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Predoc position in Algorithms (Pisa, Italy)

Istituto di Informatica e Telematica
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Pisa - Italy.

We invite applications for a Pre-doc positions to be held at the Istituto
di Informatica e Telematica of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
(CNR) of Italy in the year 2005 for research in "Surface reconstruction
and simplicial complexes".

The fellowship will be funded within the European Research and Training
Network COMBSTRU. Details about the Network and about the Network's
partners can be found at http://dimatia.mff.cuni.cz/combstru/.

A brief sketch of the relevant conditions is as follows.

Level: Pre-doc (with at least thee years of PhD studies).
Limitations: EU citizen or  of Associated States,  except Italians or
non-Italians  resident in Italy for more than 5 years.
Age: below 35.
Duration:  6 months.
Deadline for application: February 21st 2005
Commencement: April 1st 2005.
Gross salary: 10,000 Euro
General Skills needed in : Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science. Graph
Theory, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computational Geometry

The full call with instructions for applicants and forms can be found at
the following site:
http://www.iit.cnr.it/lavoro/assegni_contratti/assegni_contratti.php in
English and Italian. Under the item "Bando n. 02/2005 del 1 febbraio
2005". In case of controversy the Italian version is the authoritative

Contact person: Marco Pellegrini    marco.pellegrini@iit.cnr.it

Marco Pellegrini
Area della Ricerca.
Via Moruzzi 1
56124  Pisa ITALY

tel: (+39) 050 315 2410
fax: (+39) 050 315 2333
e-mail: marco.pellegrini@iit.cnr.it
web: http://www.imc.pi.cnr.it/~pellegrini