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Utrecht Topology Feest 2018: in honour of Ieke Moerdijk's 60th birthday

27-31 Aug 2018
Utrecht, The Netherlands

Dear all,

This is the first announcement of "Utrecht Topology Feest 2018", a
conference in honour of Ieke Moerdijk's 60th birthday, to be held at
Utrecht University August 27-31.

If you wish to attend, please register via the conference webpage:

Invited speakers:

Clemens Berger
Lawrence Breen*
Joachim Cuntz
Ezra Getzler
John Greenlees
Javier Gutierrez
Kathryn Hess
Vladimir Hinich
Michael Hopkins*
Martin Hyland
Peter Johnstone
Klaas Landsman
Jacob Lurie
Ib Madsen
Janez Mrcun
Paul-Emile Paradan
Bertrand Toën
Bernardo Uribe
Alan Weinstein

(* to be confirmed)

Benno van den Berg, Marius Crainic, Gijs Heuts, Jaap van Oosten

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