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PhD position in Algorithms (Bergen, Norway)

PhD postion available with the Algorithms Group at the University of

We are looking for an excellent PhD candidate (from either computer
science or mathematics) with a background in Algorithms and Complexity.
The candidate must hold a M.Sc. degree or similar.

The position is available at the Department of Informatics at the
University of Bergen and is financed by the Research Council of Norway
(NFR) through the project Minimal Separators and Triangulations in Graphs
- Algorithms and Applications. The project conducts basic research in
graph algorithms, with an emphasis on topics like minimal separators of
graphs, chordal graphs and related graph classes, tree decompositions and
treewidth, minimal triangulations of arbitrary graphs and restricted graph

The working environment will be the Algorithms Research Group at the
Department of Informatics, University of Bergen. The position is for 3
years with a preferred starting date of May-June 2005. In Norway, a PhD
position is a regular job with social benefits. Salary is roughly 288,000
NOK per year before tax. There are no teaching duties. Knowledge of the
Norwegian language is not necessary.

Applications should contain 3 copies of the following: a cover letter
including a summary of training and experience; copy of diploma, CV and
publications (if any). Please also organize letters of recommendation from
your teachers, employers and people you have worked with. Your application
should be marked with "05/733".

Application deadline is March 01, 2005.

Applications should be sent to

Institutt for informatikk
Universitetet i Bergen
Postboks 7800
N-5020 Bergen, Norway

For more information on the position you can contact Pinar Heggernes.

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