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Postdoctoral positions in complexity theory, Stockholm (Sweden), Deadline: 21 Jan 2018

The Theory Group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology invites applications 
for postdoctoral positions in theoretical computer science.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology is the leading technical university in 
Sweden. The Theoretical Computer Science Group at KTH 
(http://www.csc.kth.se/tcs) offers a strong research environment spanning 
a wide range of research topics such as complexity theory and 
approximation algorithms, computer and network security, cryptography, 
formal methods and natural language processing. We have one of Europe's 
most prominent groups in algorithms and complexity theory, and the 
research conducted here has attracted numerous international awards and 
grants in recent years.

The postdoc positions are in the area of computational complexity theory. 
Current research in the group focuses mostly on approximation 
algorithms/hardness of approximation, subexponential algorithms, and proof 
complexity, but excellent researchers in neighbouring areas such as, e.g., 
communication complexity, circuit complexity, algebraic complexity, and 
harmonic analysis are also warmly welcome to apply.

This research project is led by Johan Hastad, Per Austrin, and Jakob 
Nordstrom, and is financed by grants from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg 
Foundation, the European Research Council, and the Swedish Research 

In addition to the PIs, the research project is planned to involve a total 
of 4-5 postdocs and 4-5 PhD students. Thus, this will be a unique 
opportunity to explore new connections between different subareas of 
complexity theory within a vibrant and growing research environment.

Within the overall framework sketched above, the postdoc will be expected 
and encouraged to contribute to and influence the research agenda. Taking 
part in teaching graduate seminar courses is encouraged but not required. 
Travel funding is included, and the group also receives short-term and 
long-term visitors on a regular basis.

These postdoc positions are full-time employed positions for one year with 
a possible (and expected) one-year extension. The expected starting date 
is in August-September 2018, although this is to some extent negotiable.

The application deadline is January 21, 2018. See 
http://apc.csc.kth.se/D-2017-0898-Eng.php for the full announcement with 
more information and instructions for how to apply. Informal enquiries are 
welcome and may be sent to apc@csc.kth.se.

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