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HaPoP 4: History & Philosophy of Programming

22-23 Mar 2018
Oxford, England

Call for Papers

Fourth Symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming

organised by HaPoC, Commission on the History and Philosophy of Computing

23 March 2018, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Co-located with BSHM Meeting on History of Computing, 22 March 2018

In a society where computers have become ubiquitous, it is necessary to 
develop a deeper understanding of the nature of computer programs, not 
just from the technical viewpoint, but from a broader historical and 
philosophical perspective.

A historical awareness of the evolution of programming not only helps to 
clarify the complex structure of computing, but it also provides an 
insight in what programming was, is and could be in the future. 
Philosophy, on the other hand, helps to tackle fundamental questions about 
the nature of programs, programming languages and programming as a 

HaPoP 2018 is the fourth edition of the Symposium on the History and 
Philosophy of Programming, organised by HaPoC, Commission on the History 
and Philosophy of Computing.

As in the previous editions, we are convinced that an interdisciplinary 
approach is necessary for understanding programming with its multifaceted 
nature. As such, we welcome participation by researchers and practitioners 
coming from a diversity of backgrounds, including historians, 
philosophers, computer scientists and professional software developers.

Programming and scientific progress

In addition to submissions in a wide range of areas traditional for HaPoP 
(outlined below), we especially welcome submissions that explore the 
nature of scientific progress with respect to computer programming as a 
discipline. We are interested in investigations concerning the methodology 
of computer programming, whether it follows a form of scientific method 
that allows it to increase its problem solving ability, whether its 
development more is akin to science, engineering or rather art, and what 
examples from the history of programming can be provided to support either 

Selected topics of interest for the symposium Possible and in no way 
exclusive questions of relevance to this symposium are:

Are we getting better at writing programs that solve the given problem? Is 
programming a specialist discipline, or will everyone in the future be a 
programmer? What are the different scientific paradigms and research 
programmes developed through the history of computer programming? Is it 
possible to eliminate errors from computer programs? What is a program? 
How did the notion of a program change throughout the history? How are 
programs and abstractions born, used and understood? What was and is the 
relationship between hardware and software developments? How did 
theoretical computer science (lambda-calculus, logics, category theory) 
influence the development of programming languages and vice versa? Is 
programming a science, engineering, technology and/or art? What are the 
novel and most interesting approaches to the design of programs? What is a 
correct program? Historical and philosophical reflections on issues in 
formal specification, type checking and model checking. What is the nature 
of the relationship between algorithms and programs? What legal and 
socio-economical issues are involved in the creation, patenting and 
free-distribution of programs? How do we understand the multi-faceted 
nature of programs combining syntax, semantics and physical 
implementation? How is programming to be taught? Dates, format and 

For the symposium, we invite submission of two-page extended abstracts 
(including footnotes, but excluding references). Accepted papers will be 
given a 30 minute presentation slot including discussion. We intend to 
publish selected papers in a special journal issue following the 

Submission deadline: 1 January 2018
Author notification: 2 February 2018
HaPoP symposium: 23 March 2018
Submission web site: (coming soon)
Program committee and registration

The program committee of the symposium, as well as registration 
information will be announced soon. We will be also sharing updates via 
the HaPoC Commission web page (register to get updates via email) and on 
Twitter at @HaPoComputing.

HaPoP4 co-chairs are Tomas Petricek and Ursula Martin. If you have any 
questions regarding suitability of a topic or format of the extended 
abstract, please contact Tomas at tomas@tomasp.net. For quick questions, 
you can also use @tomaspetricek on Twitter.

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