Logic List Mailing Archive

UNIF 2005 (Nara, Japan, April 2005)

2nd Call for Papers:

  April 22, 2005 (Japan)
  Submission deadline: January 28, 2005 ]


The aim of 19th UNIF workshop, as for the eighteen previous meetings, is
to bring together people interested in unification, present recent (even
ongoing) work, and discuss new ideas and trends in unification and related
fields.  This includes scientific presentations, but also descriptions of
applications and softwares using unification as a strong component.

In 2005, UNIF is organized as part of the Federated Conference on
Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming (RDP), collocated with RTA
(International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications) and
TLCA (International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications),
and several other affiliated workshops.

   The meeting will include invited talks, contributed talks, and
   social time to discuss current topics of interest, which include
   (but are not limited to):
    * Unification: E-unification, Unification Algorithms, Higher-Order
         Unification, String Unification, Context Unification,
         Combination problems, Disunification, Typed Unification.
    * Related Topics: Constraint Solving, Tree Descriptions, Matching,
    * Applications: Type Checking and Type Inference, Automated
         Deduction, Rewriting, Functional and Logic Programming,
         Grammars, Computational Linguistics, Verification.
    * Implementations.

   Authors are invited to submit via e-mail an abstract (1-5 pages), a
   paper (no longer than 15 pages), or a system description (no more
   than 5 pages) in Postscript or PDF format to:  vigneron at loria.fr
   before January 28, 2005.  Authors are encouraged to use LaTeX2e and
   the Springer llncs class files, and will be expected to attend and
   present their work at the workshop.

Organization Committee:
   * Philippe de Groote        LORIA -- INRIA
   * Joseph Goguen             University of California at San Diego
   * Yushi Kaji                Nara Institute of Science and Technology
   * Pawel Urzyczyn            Warsaw University
   * Laurent Vigneron (chair)  LORIA -- Universite Nancy 2 - CNRS

Further information:
   UNIF'2005 web page: http://rewriting.loria.fr/UNIF-2005/
   About RDP: http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/rdp05/
   About UNIF: http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~treinen/unif/
   Contact: vigneron at loria.fr