Logic List Mailing Archive

Assistant Professorship Washington and Lee University: Philosophy of Science (Logic teaching needs)


Assistant Professor of Philosophy.

Tenure-track appointment beginning Fall 2005.

AOS: philosophy of science.

AOC: philosophy of mind, metaphysics, epistemology or philosophy of
language. Will teach multiple sections of logic.

Washington and Lee is a very selective national liberal arts college that
places a premium on superior teaching in small classes.

Email or fax cover letter and CV to Professor W. Lad Sessions, Head,
Department of Philosophy, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA
24450;  sessionsl@wlu.edu.

We will be interviewing for this position at the APA Eastern Division
meeting on Thursday, December 30, and we will accept letters and CVs
through the APA Placement Service there. We will accept applications until
the position is filled.