Logic List Mailing Archive

European Congress for Analytic Philosophy, ECAP 5, Lisbon (August 2005)

Fifth European Congress for Analytic Philosophy, ECAP 5
University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters, 27-31 August 2005


First Announcement and Call for Papers

ECAP-congresses are organized every three years by the European Society
for Analytic Philosophy, ESAP. The Society organizes these congresses to
further contacts and collaboration amongst European analytic

Plenary speakers:

John Broome, University of Oxford
Kit Fine, University of New York
Fran?ois R?canati, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris

Sections and chairpersons:
1. History of Philosophy, Wolfgang K?nne
2. Logic and Philosophy of Language, Sten Lindstrom
3. Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, David Papineau
4. Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind, Kevin Mulligan
5. Practical Philosophy, John Skorupski

Invited speakers:
Wolfgang K?nne, University of Hamburg (Section 1)
Sten Lindstrom, University of Umea (Section 2)
Kevin Mulligan, University of Geneva (Section 4)
Roman Murawski, University of Poznan (Section 2)
David Papineau, University of London (Section 3)
Philip Pettit, University of Princeton (Section 5)
Eva Picardi, University of Bologna (Section 2)
Josep Prades, University of Girona (Section 4)
Stathis Psillos, University of Athens (Section 3)
John Skorupski, University of St Andrews (Section 5)

Special Workshops:

Definite Descriptions, organized by Adriana Silva Gra?a (Lisbon).
Philosophy, Economics and Public Policy, organized by Luc Bovens

Probability in Quantum Mechanics, organized by Stephan Hartmann (London
School of Economics) and Amit Hagar

Realism and Anti-Realism in the Philosophy of Mathematics, organized by
Fernando Ferreira (Lisbon).

Value, organized by Kevin Mulligan (Geneva) and Wlodek Rabinowicz (Lund)

Submission of abstracts: Authors are invited to submit abstracts of papers
that they wish to present at the con-gress. Each presentation will be
given 40 minutes, including time for discussion.

Abstracts should be printed on one page with single line-space, 12 points
font size and must not exceed 2500 characters (including spaces). The
abstract page should include the name of the author, her or his
affiliation, the title of the paper and the name of the section in which
the author wishes to present it. It is desirable that the abstract
provides an outline of the arguments given in the paper, and not just the
theses argued for.

The abstract should be sent in duplicate to ECAP 5, by fax (number below),
or elec-tronically as an attachment (preferably pdf) to

All abstracts will be blind reviewed. Authors will be notified by 1 April
2005 about the programme Committee's decision regarding their

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 1 February, 2005.


Registration should be made by 1 June, 2005. Please use the enclosed
registration form (pdf file) or go to http://www.centrofilosofia.org/ecap5

Programme Committee of ECAP 5:

Jo?o Branquinho (Chair), Josep Corbi, Pascal Engel, Ferenc Huoranszki,
Wlodek Rabi-nowicz, Howard Robinson, Stelios Virvidakis, Alberto
Voltolini, Ulla Wessels, and Jan Wolenski.


For updates on the congress, suggestions for accommodation and further
information please visit the web page:

Inquiries about abstract submissions should be sent to Teresa Marques,

Inquiries about registration, accommodation and social programme should
be sent to:

Elsa Sousa
Abreu Congress Department
Avenida 25 de Abril, 2 ? Edif?cio Abreu
2795-195 Linda-a-Velha
Fax: + 351 214156383/4
E-mail: esousa@abreu.pt

All other inquiries should be sent to:

Philosophy Centre
Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa
Alameda da Universidade
1600-214 Lisboa
Fax: +351 21 796 00 63
Email: ecap5@centrofilosofia.org