Logic List Mailing Archive

The 9th Asian Logic Conference, Novosibirsk (Aug 2005)

August 16--19, 2005
Novosibirsk, Russia


1. General information

This conference is the ninth in the series of logic conferences,
which is held once every three years and rotates among countries
in the Asia-Pacific region with interests in the broad area of
logic including theoretical computer science.

In the past, there were eight meetings in Singapore (1981), Bangkok,
Thailand (1984), Bejing, China (1987), Tokyo, Japan (1990),
Singapore (1993), Bejing, China (1996), Hsi-Tou, Taiwan (1999),
and Chongqing, China (2002).

In 2005, the conference takes place in Novosibirsk
at the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, August 16--19.

The purpose of the conference is to facilitate interactions between
researches interested in the mathematical logic, logic in computer
science, and philosophical logics. It aims at promoting activities
of mathematical logic in the Asia-Pacific so that logicians both from
within Asia and elsewhere would get together and exchange information
and ideas.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, recursion theory,
set theory, proof theory, model theory and universal algebra,
non-classical logic, and logic in computer science.

2. Deadlines

The deadline for submission of abstracts of contributed talks is
February 28, 2005. Acceptance of your submission will be notified
till March 31, 2005. The deadline for participants registration
is April 15, 2005.

3. Submission and registration

The preferable way of submitting your abstract and registering is
via the conference information system at
http://www.sbras.ru/ws/ALC-9/index.en.html (English version) or
http://www.sbras.ru/ws/ALC-9/ (Russian version).
If it is not available to submit your abstract in such a way,
please send it by e-mail in the PDF format to alc9@math.nsc.ru
or send a hard copy to
The 9th Asian Logic Conference
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
4 Acad. Koptyug avenue,
630090 Novosibirsk, Russia

4. International Programme Committee

Professor Sergei Goncharov (chair) (Russia)

Professor Chi Tat Chong (Singapore)
Professor John Crossley (Australia)
Professor De-Cheng Ding (China)
Professor Rodney Downey (New Zealand)
Professor Yurii Ershov (Russia)
Professor Qi Feng (China)
Professor Bakhadyr Khoussainov (New Zealand)
Professor Larisa Maksimova (Russia)
Professor Andrei Morozov (Russia)
Professor Hiroakira Ono (Japan)
Professor Dmitrii Pal'chunov (Russia)
Professor Evgenii Palutin (Russia)
Professor Shih Ping Tung (Taiwan, R.O.C.)
Professor Mariko Yasugi (Japan)

5. Organising Committee

Sergei Odintsov (head) (Russia)

Stanislav Bereznyuk (Russia)
Aleksandr Kravchenko (Russia)
Yang Yue (Singapore)

6. Contact information

The 9th Asian Logic Conference
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
4 Acad. Koptyug avenue,
630090 Novosibirsk, Russia

tel.   +7 3832 33 28 94
fax    +7 3832 33 25 98
e-mail alc9@math.nsc.ru
www    http://www.sbras.ru/ws/ALC-9/index.en.html

On behalf of the Organising Committee,
Sergei Odintsov
Aleksandr Kravchenko