Logic List Mailing Archive

Filomena 2

2-4 Sep 2015
Natal, Brazil

This year the FILOMENA Workshop is one of the events of Nat@Logic. 
Nat@Logic is a pool of workshops related to Logic in Computer Science, in 
Philosophy, and in Mathematics. See: https://natalogic-2015.dimap.ufrn.br/ 


The second edition of the FILOMENA Workshop (FIlosofia,LOgica e MEtafísica 
aNAlítica), promoted by the Group on Logic and Formal Philosophy from the 
UFRN, has the purpose of gathering logicians working at the intersection 
of Logic and Metaphysics, through the application of formal methods in 
Philosophy. Logic, while initially considered as a branch of Philosophy, 
has outgrown its original purposes and found connections with other areas 
of Philosophy, such as Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mathematics, 
Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Mind. Since its modern 
development, Logic has proved to be a powerful tool for analyzing 
different philosophical theories, as well as their foundations and 
implications; moreover, the birth and development of non-classical logics 
has expanded its domain of application much beyond the dreams of its 

Topics of interest for our Workshop include, but are not limited to:

    Modal metaphysics
    Reference and descriptions
    Philosophical topics in non-classical logics
    Logical consequence
    Logical pluralism x logical monism
    Logic and metaphysical neutrality

The first edition of FILOMENA, held at UFRN in September 2014, counted 
with 15 contributed talks and a round-table on ?The philosophy of 
contradictions?, with the following participants: Hitoshi Omori (CUNY), 
Peter Verdée (KU-Leuven), Marcos Silva (UFC) Chair: João Marcos (UFRN).

This year our workshop will follow the same structure of the previous one. 
Each contributed talk is to have the duration of 25 minutes, divided into 
20 minutes for exposition followed by 5 minutes of discussion. The 
abstracts may be written in English or Portuguese, but not both.


Abstracts should have a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1000 words, 
and should be submitted in a PDF file including relevant information about 
the authors (name, e-mail address, and scientific affiliation). 
Submissions and inquiries must be sent to the email* 
filomena2015info-AT-gmail.com*. Accepted contributions will be invited for 
publication in a special edition of Revista Saberes 


*Submission: April 12*
*Notification: May 10*