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CMI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Center for the Mathematics of Information), Pasadena CA (U.S.A.), Deadline: 19 Dec 2014

Caltech's Center for the Mathematics of Information (CMI) announces openings
in the CMI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, for positions beginning in fall
2015. The CMI is dedicated to fundamental mathematical research with an eye
to the roles of information and computation throughout science and
engineering. Areas of interest include algorithms, complexity, algorithmic
game theory, applied combinatorics, applied probability, statistics, machine
learning, information and coding theory, control, optimization, networked
systems, geometry processing, multi-resolution methods, and molecular

A CV, a Research Statement, and three reference letters (up to a maximum of
five) are required. A cover letter and a Teaching Statement are optional.
Positions are contingent upon completion of the PhD.

The deadline for the receipt of applicant materials is Friday, December 19,
2014, and reference letters must be received by end of the day on Wednesday,
December 31, 2014.

Caltech is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women,
minorities, veterans, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.

Caltech is required by law to record ethnic/racial and gender data on the
Institute's workforce. We therefore are requesting that you please provide
such information as part of the application process. Refusal to do so will
not result in any adverse employment action.  This information is
confidential and will be communicated only as permitted by applicable law.

To apply, please go to:  http://www.cmi.caltech.edu/positions.shtml.

For further questions, please contact ltaddeo@caltech.edu.