Logic List Mailing Archive

WASL 2004: Workshop on Automata, Structures and Logic (Auckland, New Zealand, December 2004)

Workshop on Automata, Structures and Logic 
Auckland, New Zealand
December 11--13, 2004


The theme of this event is the interplay between automata, structures,
logic and complexity. Invited speakers include: A. Blumensath, B.
Courcelle, C. Delhomme, R. Downey, V. Goranko, T. Knapik, D. Kuske, L.
Libkin, C. Loeding, M. Lohrey, D. Niwinski, S. Rubin, J. Sakarovitch, F.
Stephan, C. Stirling, and R. Thomas. The Program Committee members are: A.
Dawar, E. Gradel, B. Khoussainov, D. Kozen, A. Nerode, and A. Voronkov.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is July 15, 2004. (ASL Sponsored