Logic List Mailing Archive

"The idea of logic: Historical Perspectives"

25-30 Jun 2015
Istanbul, Turkey

Call for Papers


Workshop at the 5th World Congress on Universal Logic
25-30 June 2015 - Istanbul, Turkey
Workshop organized by: Juliette Lemaire (CNRS, Centre Léon Robin, France) & 
Amirouche Moktefi (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)

Logic as a discipline is not characterized by a stable scope throughout its 
history. True enough, the historical influence of Aristotelian logic over the 
centuries is something of a common denominator in Western philosophy. But 
Aristotelian logic certainly was not alone (see stoic logic for instance), not 
to mention non-western logics. Even within the Aristotelian tradition there is 
significant variability. Furthermore, as is well known, in the 19th century 
logic as a discipline underwent a radical modification, with the development of 
mathematical logic. The current situation is of logic having strong connections 
with multiple disciplines - philosophy, mathematics, computer science, 
linguistics - which again illustrates its multifaceted nature.
The changing scope of logic through its history also has important 
philosophical implications: is there such a thing as the essence of logic, 
permeating all these different developments? Or is the unity of logic as a 
discipline an illusion? What can the study of the changing scope of logic 
through its history tell us about the nature of logic as such? What do the 
different languages used for logical inquiry - regimented natural languages, 
diagrams, logical formalisms - mean for the practices and results obtained?

This workshop will focus on both the diversity and the unity of logic through 
time. Topics may include:
- Historical analyses on what specific logicians or logic traditions considered 
to be the nature and scope of logic.
  - Historical analyses illustrating differences in scope and techniques with 
respect to the current conception of logic, but also suggesting points of 
contact and commonalities between these past traditions and current 
  - Historical and philosophical discussions on the place of logic among the 
sciences and its applications/relations with other disciplines, now and then.
  - Discussions of the logical monism vs. logical pluralism issue in view of the 
historical diversity/unity of logic over time
- General philosophical reflections on what (if anything) the diversity of 
scope and practice in the history of logic can tell us about the nature of 
logic and the role of universal logic as such.

Abstracts (500 words maximum) should be sent via e-mail before*DECEMBER 1ST, 
2014* to:

juliette.lemaire@paris-sorbonne.fr [1]
moktefi@unistra.fr [2]

  Notification of acceptance: December 15th, 2014
  More information on the congress is available at:
http://www.uni-log.org/enter-istanbul [3]

[1] mailto:juliette.lemaire@paris-sorbonne.fr
[2] mailto:moktefi@unistra.fr
[3] http://www.uni-log.org/enter-istanbul