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Cultures of Mathematics IV

22-25 Mar 2015
New Delhi, India

Cultures of Mathematics IV
22-25 March 2015
New Delhi, India

Keynote speakers. Tom Archibald (Canada), Jessica Carter (Denmark), Jose 
Ferreiros (Spain), Karen Francois (Belgium), Albrecht Heeffer (Belgium), 
Matthew Inglis (England), Brendan Larvor (England), Madeline Muntersbjorn 
(U.S.A.), Alison Pease (England), Emil Simeonov (Austria), Keith Weber 

Programme Committee. Mihir Chakraborty (Calcutta, India), Karine Chemla (Paris, 
France), Benedikt Löwe (Amsterdam, The Netherlands & Hamburg, Germany), Thomas 
Müller (Konstanz, Germany), Jean Paul Van Bendegem (Brussels, Belgium), Bart 
Van Kerkhove (Brussels, Belgium).

*** Call for Papers. ***

The programme committee of the conference Cultures of Mathematics IV cordially 
invites all researchers who work on cultural aspects of mathematics and/or the 
practice of mathematics from all associated disciplines (i.e., mathematics, 
philosophy, sociology, mathematics education, history, psychology, and others) 
to submit abstracts of papers to be presented in Delhi. We are particularly 
interested in studies dealing with differences between mathematical research 
cultures, and among these in studies dealing with concrete examples, as well as 
methodological discussions of the use of empirical and historical data from the 
study of mathematical practice for gaining insight in the phenomenon of 
mathematics. For this purpose, the term "culture" should be understood very 
widely, and cultural differences can be found distinguishing mathematical 
subdisciplines, national cultures, cultures imposed by university or institute 
structures, etc.

Please submit abstracts of talks by the deadline of 7 December 2014 via our 
easychair submission page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=com4.

Please use the field "Abstract" to provide the abstract of your talk. Ignore 
the field "Upload Paper" by clicking the box "Abstract Only"; do not submit a 

We should like to point out that IERTNiL and IASCUD provide modest travel 
grants to students and junior researchers: 
http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/spag/ml/Delhi2015/grants.html. If you are 
submitting an abstract and applying for a grant, please mention the abstract in 
your grant application.

"Cultures of Mathematics IV" is generously sponsored by the Indian Council for 
Philosophical Research (ICPR), the International Association for Science and 
Cultural Diversity (IASCUD), and the Indo-European Research Training Network in 
Logic (IERTNiL).