Logic List Mailing Archive

"Pictures and Proofs"

19-21 Mar 2015
Columbia SC, U.S.A.

Pictures and Proofs

Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
Three Rivers Philosophy Conference at the University of South Carolina
in cooperation with the BiCoDa Alliance (Bielefeld, Columbia, Darmstadt)

March 19 to 21, 2015 ? Columbia, South Carolina

- What are the roles of pictures and diagrams in mathematical proofs, in formal 
reasoning, and in epistemic justification more broadly?
- Can pictures by themselves serve as arguments insofar as they can be 
persuasive and even convey a sense of demonstrative certainty?

For the most part, these two questions have been discussed separately.
We seek to bring them together and thereby take them in new directions.
These are philosophical questions that are addressed by many different 
disciplines: STS, history of science, mathematics, engineering, media
studies, and the visual arts. They draw attention to technologies of picturing, 
the contexts of practice in which proofs and procedures of
formal reasoning are employed, and problems and methods of teaching and 

Presently confirmed plenary speakers:
- James Robert Brown (Toronto)
- Gila Hanna (Toronto)
- Kenneth Manders (Pittsburgh)
- Laura Perini (Pomona)

We invite submissions on any aspect of the relation between pictures and 
proofs, and especially on these three thematic areas:
1)    The role of pictures in logical or mathematical reasoning: What is the 
role of diagrams as objects of reasoning or as parts of the language
of reasoning?
2)    Compelling imagery and the power of visual evidence: Do pictures afford 
evidence and certainty such that they can serve as proofs?
3)    Handling proofs and putting them to work: How have mechanical models, 
graphic procedures, visual and haptic manipulation contributed
to mathematical reasoning in a wide variety of disciplines and applications?

Please submit by November 3, 2014, a 400 to 600 word abstract (no manuscript 
required) via EasyChair at
www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pandp2015 ? The conference organizers are 
Tom Burke (burke@sc.edu), Alfred Nordmann
(nordmann@phil.tu-darmstadt.de), Heike Sefrin-Weis (sefrinwe@mailbox.sc.edu). 
Further information will be posted at the
conference website http://artsandsciences.sc.edu/phil/content/trip2015

Alfred Nordmann
* Professor am Institut für Philosophie, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 
Schloss, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany, +49(0)6151/162995
* Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, University of South Carolina, USA
* Book series www.pickeringchatto.com/technoscience
* Genesis and Ontology of Technoscientific Objects www.goto-objects.eu
* Interdisziplinärer Studienschwerpunkt www.cisp.tu-darmstadt.de/nag
Homepage www.philosophie.tu-darmstadt.de/nordmann