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AST 2014: Amsterdam Workshop on Set Theory (Generalized Baire Space)

3-4 Nov 2014
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Amsterdam Workshop on Set Theory 2014
Generalized Baire Space
3 & 4 November 2014
Amsterdam (The Netherlands)


The Amsterdam Set Theory Workshop 2014 is organized by the Institute for 
Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) and the logic group of the 
University of Hamburg with the aim to provide the platform for exchange 
for the researchers active in the field of the set theory of the 
generalized Baire space. The two days of the workshop will consist of 
three tutorials, several contributed talks and discussion sessions. One of 
the outputs of this meeting is a planned paper consisting of the open 
problems in the generalized Baire space.

Everyone is cordially invited to attend.

Organizers: Giorgio Laguzzi, Benedikt Lwe, Hugo Nobrega, Ilya Sharankou.

Location: Room C1.13 (Belle van Zuylen Hall), Singel 425, 1012 WP 
Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Participants Andrew Brooke-Taylor (Bristol), Peter Holy (Bristol), Yurii 
Khomskii (Vienna), Vadim Kulikov (Vienna), Giorgio Laguzzi (Hamburg), 
Benedikt Lwe (Amsterdam & Hamburg), Philipp Lcke (Bonn), Diana Carolina 
Montoya Amaya (Vienna), Luca Motto Ros (Freiburg), Hugo Nobrega 
(Amsterdam), Philipp Schlicht (Bonn), Ilya Sharankou (Hamburg), Jouko 
Vnnen (Helsinki & Amsterdam).


Jouko Vnnen (Helsinki & Amsterdam)
Games, trees and models---a tutorial in Generalized Baire Spaces

Philipp Schlicht (Bonn)
Introduction to generalized descriptive set theory

Andrew Brooke-Taylor (Bristol)
Building kappa-complete filters for supercompact kappa


Luca Motto Ros (Freiburg)
The Hurewicz dichotomy for generalized Baire spaces

Philipp Lcke (Bonn)
The influence of closed maximality principles on generalized Baire space

Peter Holy (Bristol)
Delta^1_1 subsets of kappa^kappa

Yurii Khomskii (Vienna)
Regularity properties on the generalized reals

Vadim Kulikov (Vienna)
Orbit Equivalence Relations and Borel Reducibility on the Generalized 
Baire Space

Giorgio Laguzzi (Hamburg)
Generalized random forcing