Logic List Mailing Archive

CfP special issue of Opiniao Filosofica on logic and epistemology in Kant and Hegel, Deadline: 31 May 2014

The relation between logic and epistemology is one of the most debated 
issues in the current debate on Kant?s and Hegel?s philosophy. The journal 
Opinio Filosfica invites the submission of papers on this topic for a 
special issue, whose title will be Problemas de Lgica e Epistemologia em 
Kant e Hegel.

The papers can be submitted in Portuguese, German, English, Italian, 
Spanish and French.

The deadline for submissions is 31st May 2014. The special issue is 
scheduled to appear in Autumn 2014.

The editors of the special issue are Francisco Jozivan G. de Lima, Jos 
Henrique Souza Assai e Michela Bordignon.

For further information: http://www.abavaresco.com.br/revista/

Contacts: michelabordignon81@yahoo.it