Logic List Mailing Archive

3rd CfP & extneded deadline: Trends in Logic XIII

2-5 Jul 2014
Lodz, Poland


*Extended deadline: 30 March 2014*

Trends in Logic

*Trends in Logic* is the conference series of the journal >>Studia 
Logica<< (see http://www.studialogica.org/ and 

The 13th *Trends in Logic* international conference will be held at *the 
University of Lodz*, *Lodz*, *Poland*, from *July 2-July 5, 2014* under 
the title *Gentzen's and Ja?kowski's heritage; 80 years of Natural 
Deduction and Sequent Calculi*. It is organized by the Department of Logic 
and Methodology of Sciences at the Institute of Philosophy of the 
University of Lodz, in co-operation with >>Studia Logica<<.

We warmly invite all contributions offering novel and significant results 
in the area of logic. The scope of the conference topics includes, but is 
not limited to:

- Natural Deduction
- Sequent Calculi
- Tableau Methods
- Generalised and Non-standard Proof Methods
- Consequence Operations
- Proof Theory
- Constructive Mathematics
- Decision Procedures
- Consistency Proofs
- Automated Deduction
- Computability Theory
- Complexity Theory
- Normalization of Proofs
- Admissibility of Cut
- Proof Search
- Proof Systems for Non-classical Logics
- Free Logics
- Discussive and Paraconsistent Logics

Important dates

- First call for papers: *28 October 2013*
- Second call for papers:* 24 February 2014*
- Third call for papers: *10 March 2014*
- Extended full papers submission deadline: *30 March 2014*
- Full papers notification of acceptance: *30 April 2014*
- Short papers submission deadline: *7 May 2014*
- Short papers notification of acceptance: *14 May 2014*
- Registration opens: *1 May 2014*
- Early registration closes: *1 June 2014*
- Conferece: *2-5 July 2014*

Invited Speakers

- Janusz Czelakowski (University of Opole, Poland)
- Jan von Plato (University of Helsinki, Finland)
- Peter Schroeder-Heister (University of Tübingen, Germany)
- Max Urchs (EBS Universitaet für Wirtschaft und Recht, Wiesbaden, Germany)
- Heinrich Wansing (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
- Jan Wole?ski (Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland)

Paper Submission

There are two types of submissions. *Full papers* of the length *not 
exceeding 10 pages* (included in the conference proceedings), which will 
be subjected to a proper reviewing process, and *short presentations* of 
the length *up to 3 pages* (not included in the conference proceedings) 
which will undergo a light reviewing. All submissions must be typed in 
LaTeX according to the *Trends* style, files for which soon will be 
available for downlowding at this website. All papers should be submitted 
via *Trends in Logic* EasyChair website: 

At least one of the authors of an accepted paper must register for, and 
attend, the conference for the contribution to be presented.


All accepted full papers will be included in the proceedings available at 
the conference. Furthermore, the organizers are negotiating with Springer 
publishing selected papers in a special issue of a journal or a book 
within the series *Trends in Logic*.

Programme Comittee

- Janusz Czelakowski (University of Opole, Poland; see http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/pers/hy/c/Czelakowski:Janusz.html)
- Jacek Malinowski (Polish Academy of Sciences and Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland; see http://www.home.umk.pl/~jacekm/)
- Marek Nasieniewski (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toru?, Poland; see http://www.home.umk.pl/~mnasien/index_en.html)
- Marek Nowak (University of Lodz, Poland; see http://filozof.uni.lodz.pl/prac/mn/cveng.html)
- Sergey Odintsov (State University of Novosibirsk, Russia; see http://math.nsc.ru/~spodintsov/)
- Andrzej Pietruszczak (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toru?, Poland; see http://www.home.umk.pl/~pietrusz/index_en.html)
- Tomasz Po?acik (University of Silesia, Poland; see http://www.math.us.edu.pl/polacik/)
- Peter Schroeder-Heister (University of Tübingen, Germany; see http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/en/faculties/faculty-of-science/departments/computer-science/lehrstuehle/logik-und-sprachtheorie/personen/prof-dr-peter-schroeder-heister.html)
- Heinrich Wansing (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany; see http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/philosophy/logic/)

Organizing Committe

- Andrzej Indrzejczak (University of Lodz, Poland; see http://www.filozof.uni.lodz.pl/prac/ai/)
- Janusz Kaczmarek (University of Lodz, Poland; (see http://www.filozof.uni.lodz.pl/index.php/pracownicy/342-dr-hab-janusz-kaczmarek-prof-u)
- Piotr ?ukowski (University of Lodz, Poland; see http://psych.uni.lodz.pl/pracownicy/piotr-lukowski/)
- Adam Niewiadomski (Technical University of Lodz, Poland; see http://ics.p.lodz.pl/~aniewiadomski/index-eng.html)
- Micha? Zawidzki (University of Lodz, Poland; see http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/pers/hd/z/Zawidzki:Michal.html)

Venue and Travelling

See http://filozof.uni.lodz.pl/trends/venue.html