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ECAP8: Analytic Philosophy

28 Aug - 2 Sep 2014
Bucharest, Romania

ECAP 8 ? Eighth European Conference of Analytic Philosophy
University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
28 August - 2 September 2014


ECAP-conferences are organized every three years by the European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ESAP). The aim of these conferences is to establish contacts and encourage collaboration among European analytic philosophers. The previous conferences took place in 1993 (ECAP1 in Aix en Provence), 1996 (ECAP2 in Leeds), 1999 (ECAP3 in Maribor), 2002 (ECAP4 in Lund), 2005 (ECAP5 in Lisboa), 2008 (ECAP6 in Krakow), and 2011 (ECAP7 in Milan).
The Eighth ECAP will take place in Bucharest, Romania, from the 28th of August to the 2nd of September, 2014, and is locally organized by the University of Bucharest in collaboration with the Romanian Society for Analytic Philosophy.


We invite contribution for the following parallel sessions:
1. History of Philosophy
2. Epistemology
3. Philosophy of Science
4. Logic
5. Philosophy of Language
6. Philosophy of Mind and Action Theory
7. Metaphysics
8. Ethics
9. Aesthetics
10. Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law

Contributed papers will be scheduled for a 30-minute presentation (including discussion).
Abstracts must be written in English and be prepared for blind review, with all self-reference and personal data suppressed. Abstracts should indicate the title of the paper and the parallel session for which it is submitted.
Please submit both a short abstract of no more than 200 words, and a long abstract of no more than 1000 words (references included). Long abstracts should have the following format: Times New Roman, font size 10, 1,5 line spacing.
Long abstracts should not only contain the position defended or the issue discussed, but also indicate the outline of the argument. Submission is made through the EasyChair website (see Guidelines below)*.
Short abstracts will be inserted in the EasyChair submission page in text format. Long abstracts will be uploaded as files in either doc or pdf format.

Please select only one parallel section during submission.

Notification of acceptance is expected by May 25th 2014

(*) Guidelines for EasyChair submission
The EasyChair login page for ECAP8 is at:
In order to access the submission page, the creation of an EasyChair account will be required.
IMPORTANT: Please notice that what is called "abstract" in the EasyChair "Title, Abstract and Other Information" section corresponds to the short abstract of this call, and what is called "paper" in the EasyChair "Upload Paper" section corresponds to the long abstract of this call. A visual guide to submission will be posted shortly on the conference webpage.

Confirmed plenary and invited speakers for the Conference are:
Plenary speakers: Kit Fine (New York University), Susanne Bobzien (University of Oxford), and Jennifer Saul (University of Sheffield) ? for the special plenary ?Women in Philosophy?.

Invited speakers:
1. History of Philosophy: Sarah Broadie (University of St Andrews)
2. Epistemology: Duncan Pritchard (University of Edinburgh)
3. Philosophy of Science: Martin Kusch (University of Vienna)
4. Logic: Patrick Blackburn  (University of Roskilde)
5. Philosophy of Language: Asa Wikforss (Stockholm University)
6. Philosophy of Mind and Action Theory: Clotilde Calabi (University of Milan)
7. Metaphysics: Penelope Mackie (University of Nottingham)
8. Ethics: Carla Bagnoli (University of Modena)
9. Aesthetics: Kathleen Stock (University of Sussex)
10. Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law: János Kis (Central European University)

Mircea Dumitru (University of Bucharest, Romania, president)
Michele Di Francesco (Institute for Advanced Study, IUSS - Pavia, Italy)
Jerome Dokic (Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, France)
Mehmet Elgin (Mugla University, Turkey)
Katalin Farkas (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary)
Olav Gjelsvik (University of Oslo, Norway)
Kathrin Glüer-Pagin (University of Stockholm, Sweden)
Petr Kotatko (Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha, Czech Republic)
Fiona Macpherson (University of Glasgow, UK)
Genoveva Marti (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Tomasz Placek (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)
Pedro Santos (University of Algarve, Portugal)
Nikolas Strobach (Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany)

CALL FOR SPECIAL WORKSHOPS (offered during the conference):
Submission for the organization of the Conference Affiliated Workshops is open. If interested, please submit the following information until the 25th of February 2014 to:  ecap8@g.unibuc.ro
Invited speaker(s):
Number of contributed speakers, if any:
Short description of the workshop, relevance and motivation:
Contact person: name + email

Registration to the ECAP8 opens May 25th 2014, and the deadline for early registration is July 25th 2014. Payment should be made online. The webpage for payment and registration will be indicated on the ECAP8 website in due time. Conference fee includes: registration to the conference, conference materials including the book of abstracts, and refreshments for the coffee breaks.
NB: the conference fee does not include the conference dinner. Registration and payment for the conference dinner will be available as a separate option on the registration website in due time.
Conference fees are as follows:
Early registration (before July 25th 2014):
- 80 euros: students (graduate and undergraduate)
- 160 euros: non-students (permanent faculty, post-doc, teachers)

Late registration (after July 25th 2014):
- 130 euros: students (graduate and undergraduate)
- 220 euros: non-students (permanent faculty, post-doc, teachers)

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Marin Balan, Romulus Brancoveanu, Constantin Brincus, Marian Calborean, Mihai Cernea, Sorin Costreie, Mihnea Dobre, Alexandru Dragomir, Mircea Dumitru, Andreea Esanu, Laurentiu Gheorghe, Corina Grigoriu, Adrian-Paul Iliescu, Daniela Jalobeanu, Emilian Mihailov, Valentin Muresan, Ilie Parvu,Bianca Savu, Emanuel Socaciu, Laurentiu Staicu, Gheorghe Stefanov, Constantin Stoenescu, Radu Uzkai, Constantin Vica.

About submission:
All inquiries concerning the submission of abstracts should be addressed to the dedicated EasyChair address: ecap8@easychair.org

About the conference:
All other inquiries concerning the conference should be addressed to: ecap8@g.unibuc.ro
Fax: +40213131760
Telephone: +40213077302 / +40724911233
Website: www.esap.info/ecap8

Deadline for submission: March 25th 2014
Notification of acceptance: May 25th 2014
Registration opens: May 25th 2014
Early registration deadline: July 25th 2014

Best wishes,
The ECAP8 Organizing Committee