Logic List Mailing Archive

Workshop on Logic and Games

15 Jul 2014
Vienna, Austria

Vienna Summer of Logic 2014 Workshop on Logic and Games

Despite its austere appearance, formal logic can often be viewed through 
the lens of game theory, whereby various logical concepts -- validity, 
consequence, provability, satisfiability, (in)dependence, possibility, 
etc. -- become animated as games. Going in the other direction, one can 
start with games and find logics, and various logical concepts, therein. 
The idea of viewing logics as games, and vice versa, is by no means new, 
but it has enjoyed a certain renaissance in recent years. The workshop is 
intended to serve as a magnet to attract the latest research in the spirit 
of connecting logic to games.


We seek contributions connected with:

+ semantic games
+ evaluation games
+ dialogue games
+ comparison games
+ logic games and complexity
+ games for nonclassical logics
+ game semantics
+ logic in games
+ game logics
+ logic of coalition games
+ computability logic
+ interactivity in logics
+ argumentation games
+ games and (dis)proofs
+ strategy calculi

The list is not exhaustive; any contribution cohering with these
themes is welcome.

Important dates

May 1: Submission deadline
May 15: Author notification
May 30: VSL early registration deadline
June 30: VSL registration deadline
July 15: Workshop

Invited speakers

+ Gabriel Sandu (Helsinki)
+ Ondrej Majer (Prague)
+ Kazushige Terui (Kyoto)


Logic and Games will be a one-day event consisting of three invited
60-minute talks, together with selected shorter contributed talks.

Local organization

+ Chris Fermueller (TU Vienna)
+ Jesse Alama (TU Vienna)
+ Christoph Roschger (TU Vienna)


To contribute, submit a 2-4 page abstract via the workshop's Easychair


Submissions will be selected for presentation by the organizers with
the possible assistance of external reviewers, as warranted.


To contact the organizers, send email to LG2014@logic.at .