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Call for Nominations: Herbrand Award

Herbrand Award: Call for Nominations

Martin Giese
Secretary of AAR and CADE
On behalf of the CADE Inc. Board of Trustees

The Herbrand Award is given by CADE Inc. to honour a person or group for
exceptional contributions to the field of Automated Deduction. At most one
Herbrand Award will be given at each CADE or IJCAR meeting. The Herbrand
Award has been given in the past to

Larry Wos (1992)
Woody Bledsoe (1994)
Alan Robinson (1996)
Wu Wen-Tsun (1997)
Gerard Huet (1998)
Robert S. Boyer and J Strother Moore (1999)
William W. McCune (2000)
Donald W. Loveland (2001)
Mark E. Stickel (2002)
Peter B. Andrews (2003)
Harald Ganzinger (2004)
Martin Davis (2005)
Wolfgang Bibel (2006)
Alan Bundy (2007)
Edmund Clarke (2008)
Deepak Kapur (2009)
David Plaisted (2010)
Nachum Dershowitz (2011)
Melvin Fitting (2012)
Greg Nelson (2013)

A nomination is required for consideration for the Herbrand award. The
deadline for nominations for the Herbrand Award that will be given at
IJCAR 2014 is:

     15th April 2014

Nominations pending from previous years must be resubmitted in order to be

Nominations should consist of a letter (preferably email) of up to 2000
words from the principal nominator, describing the nominee's contribution,
along with letters of up to 2000 words of endorsement from two other
seconders. Nominations should be sent to

     Maria Paola Bonacina, President of CADE Inc.
     mariapaola.bonacina (at) univr.it

with copy to

     Martin Giese, Secretary of CADE Inc. and AAR
     martingi (at) ifi.uio.no