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Algebra and Mathematical Logic: Theory and Applications

2-6 June 2014
Kazan, Russia

International Conference

<<Algebra and Mathematical Logic: Theory and Applications>>,

  Kazan, June 2-6, 2014


Kazan Federal University and Tatarstan Republic Academy of Science
organize an International Conference "Algebra and Mathematical Logic:
Theory and Applications" dedicated to 80-th anniversary of Department
of Algebra of Kazan University and to 70-th anniversary of Professor
M.M. Arslanov.

The meeting will be held in Kazan (Russia), June 2-6, 2014. The main
topics of the conference include (but are not limited to) Lie
Algebras, Group Theory, Ring Theory,  Algebraic Geometry, Universal
Algebra, Model Theory, Mathematical Logic, Computability Theory,
Algebraic and  Logic Methods in Computer Science.

The Program Committee of the conference consists of academician Yu. L.
Ershov - Chairman, I.Sh. Kalimullin (Kazan) - Vice-chairman, Chairman
of the Organizing ?ommittee, A.N. Frolov (Kazan) - Secretary of the
conference, Yu.A. Alpin (Kazan), K. Ambos-Spies (Heidelberg, Germany),
M.M. Arslanov (Kazan), V.A. Artamonov (Moscow), S.B. Cooper (Leeds,
UK),  S.S. Goncharov (Novosibirsk), C. Jockusch (Urbana-Champaign,
USA), N.G. Khisamiev (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan), B. Khoussainov
(Auckland, New Zealand), J. Knight (South Bend, USA), M.I. Kuznetsov
(Nizhny Novgorod),  V.N. Latyshev (Moscow), S. Lempp (Madison, USA),
V.M. Levchuk (Krasnojarsk), A.A. Makhnev (Ekaterinburg), V.D. Mazurov
(Novosibirsk), A. Montalban (Berkeley, USA), R.Sh. Omanadze (Tbilisi,
Georgia), R.A. Shore (Ithaca, USA), S.M. Skryabin (Kazan), R.I. Soare
(Chicago, USA), S.N. Tronin (Kazan), S.V. Vostokov (St. Petersburg),
Y. Yang (Singapore, Singapore).

Invited speakers (on October 20, 2013, the list is updating): K. 
Ambos-Spies (Heidelberg University, Germany), V.A. Artamonov (Moscow State 
University), S.B. Cooper (Leeds Universtity, UK), Yu.L. Ershov (Sobolev 
Institute of Mathematics), A.N. Frolov (Kazan Federal University), S.S. 
Goncharov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics), I.Sh. Kalimullin (Kazan 
Federal University), N.G. Khisamiev (East Kazakhstan Technical State 
University, Kazakhstan), B. Khoussainov (University of Auckland, New 
Zealand), J. Knight (University of Notre Dame, USA), V.N. Latyshev (Moscow 
State University, S. Lempp (University of Wisconsin, USA), R.Sh. Omanadze 
(Tbilisi State University, Georgia), Y. Yang (National University of 
Singapore, Singapore).

The scientific program of the conference includes invited plenary lectures 
and contributed talks.

The official webpage of the conference:  http://www.algmathlog14.kpfu.ru 
English version: http://www.kpfu.ru/main_page?p_sub=25931

All necessary information can be found at this webpage.

To participate at the conference you need proceed the registration (see 
"Registration" at the webpage).

All your questions you may address to the secretary of the conference

e-mail: algmathlog14@kpfu.ru - Secretary of the conference Frolov Andrey

phone:  (843) 233-70-39.

Important dates:

    Deadline for submissions of abstracts: March 1, 2014

    Notification to authors: March 10, 2014

    Conference: June 2 - 6, 2014

After the conference (on June 7) an excursion to the ancient city Bolghar 
(Volga Bulgaria) will be organized.

The Organizing Committee