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Two postdoctoral positions in the history of geometry, Berlin (Germany), Deadline: 6 Jan 2014

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin Research Group 
on Modern Geometry and the Concept of Space; Director: Vincenzo De Risi


Two Post-doctoral Fellows for positions from one to six months beginning 
at any time in 2014.

The Research Group is also accepting proposals for non-funded visiting 
positions (see the details online).

Research projects should concern the history of geometry, the history of 
mathematical epistemology or the history of the concept of space from the 
Ancient to the Early Modern Age. Possible topics include: The history of 
elementary geometry and Euclid?s Elements in Antiquity and the 
Renaissance. The philosophy of mathematics from Antiquity to the 18th 
century. The conception of space from Descartes to Kant. The beginnings of 
projective geometry. Optics and the theory of vision.

A lengthier description of the topics and aims of the Research Group can 
be found at:


The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science is an international 
and interdisciplinary research institute. The colloquium language is 
English; it is expected that candidates will be able to present their own 
work and discuss that of others fluently in that language. Applications 
may however be submitted in German, English, French, or Italian.

Candidates should hold a doctorate at the time the position begins, and 
show evidence of scholarly promise in the form of publications or other 
achievements. The position is primarily devoted to research, with no 
teaching and minimal administrative duties. Fellows are expected to take 
part to the cultural and scientific life of the Institute, to advance 
their own research project, and to actively contribute to the Group 

Fellowships are endowed with a monthly stipend between 2.100 € and 2.500 € 
(fellows from abroad) or between 1.468 € and 1.621 € (fellows from 
Germany). Please address specific questions to Ms. Claudia Paaß 
(paass@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de), Head of Administration.

Candidates are requested to submit a curriculum vitae (including list of 
publications), a research proposal on a topic related to the project, a 
sample writing representative of the candidate?s work (such as a chapter 
of the doctoral dissertation or a scientific article), and names and 
addresses (preferably including email) of two referees who have already 
been contacted by the applicant to assure their willingness to submit 
letters of presentation if requested, to

Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte,?Verwaltung, Kennwort: NWG 
De Risi,?Boltzmannstraße 22,?14195 Berlin

or by e-mail to ?verwaltungsleitung@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de

by January 6th, 2014

Candidates should explain in their research project the requested length 
of the fellowship and propose a starting date for it.

For questions concerning the research project, please contact Dr. Vincenzo 
De Risi (vderisi@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de); for administrative questions 
concerning the position and the Institute, please contact Mr. Jochen 
Schneider (jsr@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de), Research Coordinator. Scholars of all 
nationalities are welcome to apply; applications from women are especially 
welcomed. The Max Planck Society is committed to promoting more 
handicapped individuals and encourages them to apply.