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Postdoctoral fellowships (with particular emphasis on Indian and Chinese candidates) in computer science, Haifa (Israel)

As in previous years, the Technion offers some post doc fellowships, 
starting October 2014. This is a competition between candidates. In order 
for a candidate to participate, the request must be submitted by the 
intended host (who also must participate in the funding). The eventual 
submission to the Technion includes a CV, 3 letters of support, a 
statement of research and a letter detailing the intended cooperation 
between the host and the post doc.

In addition for grants to post docs from anywhere, there are several 
grants for citizens if India, and citizens of China only. The deadline for 
this kind of fellowships is rather soon. The deadline for the other 
fellowships is late November this year.

The subjects of the post doc are any. However, I would be glad to consider 
hosting excellent post docs in distributed computing. Strong letters of 
support and strong results already obtained (and possibly published) will 
make a successful submission rather likely and, I believe, worthwhile.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions.

Shay Kutten <kutten@IE.TECHNION.AC.IL>