Logic List Mailing Archive

Workshop in Philosophical Logic

13 Sep 2013
Padova, Italy

COGITO RESEARCH CENTRE (Philosophy of Mathematics and Philosophy of Logic 
Project); PROGETTO INTERAREA DI ATENEO (Logiche tempo-modali per agenti 
deontici. Una teoria ed alcune riflessioni filosofiche); DOCTORAL SCHOOL 
IN PHILOSOPHY (Curriculum in Theoretical Philosophy - University of Padua)

*WORKSHOP IN PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC *Friday, September 13th, 2013- Time:10.30 

* Luca Bellotti *(University of Pisa): "On Boolos' nominalist platonism" 
*Øys**tein L**innebo* (University of Oslo): "Modality in Mathematics" 
*Francesca Poggiolesi* (IHPST): "A Brief History of the Proof Theory for 
Modal Logic" *Gabriele Usberti* (University of Siena): "The Paradox of 
Knowability and the Communication Problem between Classicism and 

Venue: FISPPA Department, Sala Giacon, Università di Padova, P.zza 
Capitaniato 3, Padova

Organised by: Massimiliano Carrara, Francesca Boccuni, Vittorio Morato

Adetailed schedule of the talks will be sent to mailing lists in due time.