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LRPP 2013: Logics for Resources, Processes and Programs

16 Sep 2013
Nancy, France

Call For Papers

Workshop on Logics for Resources, Processes and Programs
(LRPP 2013)

16 September 2013, Nancy, France

(affiliated with Tableaux 2013, Nancy, France)


Deadline: June 24, 2013

A one day workshop on `Logics for Resources, Processes, and Programs' will 
be held the 16th September 2013 in conjunction with the Tableaux 
Conference in Nancy, France, with D. Galmiche and D. Pym as co-chairs.

The purpose of this workshop would be to discuss recent results on logics, 
including systems formulated in the style of Hoare and Hennessy-Milner, 
for modelling resources, processes, programs, and their interactions. We 
envisage a range of perspectives: proof-theoretic foundations, including 
decidability and complexity; semantic foundations (e.g., new resource 
semantics); specification of properties and behaviours; verification and 
analysis of programs and systems. It should help to establish and 
publicize a research agenda for such logics and their use in the 
development of trusted systems.

The workshop is intended to provide a forum for discussion between 
researchers interested in logics of resources (from foundations to related 
calculi and applications) and researchers interested in languages and 
methods for specification of mobile, distributed, concurrent systems and 
their verification.

Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to,
the following:

- Logics for resources: semantics, model theory and proof theory;
- Process calculi, concurrency, and resource-distribution;
- Reasoning about programs and systems;
- Extensions of logics; e.g., with modalities;
- Languages of assertions, languages based on resource logics (query
languages, pointers, trees, and graphs);
- Theorem proving and model checking in resource logics:
decision procedures, strategies, complexity results.


Edmund Robinson, QMUL


Researchers interested in presenting their works are invited to send an
extended abstract (up to 10 pages) by e-mail submissions of PDF files
to D. Galmiche (Didier.Galmiche@loria.fr) and D. Pym
(d.j.pym@abdn.ac.uk) by June 24, 2013.

Papers will be reviewed by peers, typically members of
the Programme Committee.

Additional information will be available through WWW address:

Hardcopies of the preliminary proceedings will be distributed at the
workshop and a Special Issue of a Journal on these topics is expected
after the workshop.


J. Brotherston (University College, London, UK)
M. Collinson (University of Aberdeen, Scotland)
D. Galmiche (LORIA - UL, Nancy, France - co-chair)
J. Harland (RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia)
M. Hennessy (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)
G. McCusker (University of Bath, UK)
D. Méry (LORIA - UL, Nancy, France)
D. Pym (University of Aberdeen, Scotland - co-chair)
P. Schroeder-Heister (Tubingen University, Germany)


Submissions:  June 24, 2013
Notifications: July 5, 2013

Workshop date: September 16, 2013


E-mail: Didier.Galmiche@loria.fr and d.j.pym@abdn.ac.uk

Prof. David J. Pym, MA, PhD, ScD, FBCS, CITP, FIMA, CMath, CSci
6th Century Chair in Logic, and SICSA Professor of Computing Science
University of Aberdeen