Logic List Mailing Archive

CfPart "What is Cognition"

27-29 June 2013
Bochum, Germany

*Call for Registration -- What is Cognition --  27-29 June 2013*

Please find attached the program of the international conference "What is 
cognition?" that will be held from the 27 to 29 June at Ruhr-Universität 

  Detailed program available at: 

*Keynote speakers are:*

Ken Aizawa (Louisiana):
"Cognition and Behavior"

Colin Allen (Indiana):
"Between Cells and Societies -- Does Cognition Scale?"

Carrie Figdor (Iowa):
"Cognitive Ontology and the Metaphorical Development of Theories"

Shaun Gallagher (Memphis):
"Re-presenting Representations"

Ruth Millikan (Connecticut):
"Dispensing with Concepts"

Bill Ramsey (Nevada):
"Must Cognition be Representational?"

Mark Rowlands (Miami):
"The Question of Cognition: Philosophy or Cognitive Science?"

Markus Werning (Bochum):
"Between Mental Symbols and Embrained Simulations -- How to Realize 
Compositionality in Models of Truth-Conducive Processes"

*Counterpoints in relation to the keynote talks are presented by:*

Cameron Buckner,
Ellen Fridland,
Albert Newen,
Tobias Schlicht,
Achim Stephan.

*Contributed talks are presented by:*

Massimo Cappuccio,
Zoe Drayson,
Hajo Greif,
John Michael,
Andre Wunder.

In case you want to participate, please register until the 19 of June via the 
following link, where you can also find an extended version of the program:


Scientific Organisation:  Cameron Buckner, Albert Newen, Ruhr-Universität 
Bochum  and   Ellen Fridland, Michael Pauen, Humboldt-Universität Berlin

Nadine Overkamp, M.A.
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Institut für Philosophie II
Sekretariat Prof. Dr. Albert Newen
GA 3/151
Sprechzeiten MO - DO 10 - 13 Uhr
Tel.: 0234/32-28139
Fax: 0234/32-14963
mail to: nadine.overkamp@rub.de