Logic List Mailing Archive

Wittgenstein in relation to philosophical traditions

20-22 May 2013
Goettingen, Germany

Wittgenstein in Relation to Philosophical Traditions
- International Conference on the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein and
related themes

20-22 May 2013

Lichtenberg-Kolleg, University of Gttingen (GER)


Please register by 1st May.

To register, please write to w.conf.goettingen@gmail.com, and specify
whether you want to attend the conference dinner, or not. The respective
fees due for attendance are as follows:

a) no dinner: 25 -- 3 days, incl. snacks and drinks during breaks in the
morning and in the afternoon

b) dinner: 40 -- a) + dinner on 21st May, at restaurant PLANEA BASICS
(excl. drinks)


Monday, 20 May

10.15-11.45       Felix Mhlhlzer (University of Gttingen) ?
?Wittgenstein?s Philosophy of Mathematics beyond Logicism, Intuitionism and

12.15-13.45       Joachim Schulte (University of Zrich) ? ?Kantian Themes
in Wittgenstein??

15.30-17.00       Avner Baz (Tufts University) ? ?Wittgenstein and the
Crisis of Method in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy?

17.30-19.00       Anne-Marie Sndergaard Christensen (University of Southern
Denmark) ? ??For Better, For Worse.? Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard on
Philosophy, Love and Marriage?

Tuesday, 21 May

10.15-11.45       Alois Pichler (University of Bergen) ? ??The spirit of
this civilization is a spirit that is alien and uncongenial to the author
...?   (CV, 1998, 8e)?

12.15-13.45       Thomas Wallgren (University of Helsinki) ? ?The Third Way:
Wittgenstein and the Tradition of Socratic Scepticism?

15.30-17.00       Silver Bronzo (University of Chicago) ? ?Symbols, Signs,
and Figures in Frege and Wittgenstein?

17.30-19.00       Hans Sluga (University of California, Berkeley) ?
?Diagnostic Philosophizing: Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Foucault?

Wednesday, 22 May

10.15-11.45       Martin Gustafsson (bo Akademi University) ? ?Wittgenstein
and the Revisionist Strand in Analytic Philosophy (Carnap, Quine, Rorty)?

12.15-13.45       James Conant (University of Chicago) ? ?Early Wittgenstein
on Perspicuous Representation?


Organisers: James Conant (University of Chicago), Sebastian Greve (Birkbeck,
University of London)

Contact: w.conf.goettingen@gmail.com

(sponsored by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung fr Wissenschaftsfrderung)