Logic List Mailing Archive

GIRL 2013: Games, Interactive Rationality and Learning

23-26 Apr 2013
Lund, Sweden

Dear all,

The 2nd Conference on Games, Interactive Rationality, and Learning, to be 
held April 23-26 in Kungshuset, Lund (Sweden), is coming soon!

Everybody interested is welcome to attend, there are no registration fees, 
however, if you wish to participate to lunches and the conference dinner, 
we kindly ask you to register for meals here, no later than April 15th: 

The programme has been updated, check the G.I.R.L.13@LUND Website: 
http://girl2013.loriweb.org/programme/ The poster is online as well: 

Best regards,

Justine Jacot
Lund University
Department of Philosophy and Cognitive science
Kungshuset Lundagård
222 22 Lund