Logic List Mailing Archive

Extended deadline: 4ESTC (European Set Theory Conference)

15-18 July 2013
Mon Sant Benet, Spain

Second Announcement

Abstract submission deadline is now extended to April 15!

The 4th European Set Theory Conference (4ESTC) will be held in Mon Sant 
Benet, near Barcelona, on 15-18 July 2013.


The Conference is made possible by the generous support of the Clay 
Mathematics Institute (Enhancement and Partnership program), and the INFTY 
Research Networking Program of the European Science Foundation (ESF). The 
event is also made possible by the administrative and financial support of 
the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Barcelona (IMUB), as 
well as the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Barcelona.

Scientific program

    Andrzej Mostowski Centenary. Invited lecture by Adam Krawczyk (Warsaw).
    Tutorial by Moti Gitik (Tel Aviv).
    Lecture by the winner of the Hausdorff Medal.
    Plenary lectures by: Laura Fontanella, Menachem Magidor, Michael Rathjen, John Steel, Philip Welch
    8 invited lectures.
    Contributed talks.
    Poster sessions.
    Round table on the future of set theory.

Registration fees

    Regular: 250 euros.
    Shared room: 200 euros.

The registration fee covers lodging (4 nights, 14th to 17th July) and 
meals during the Conference (dinner on the 14th, breakfast, lunch and 
dinner on the 15th to the 17th, and breakfast and lunch on the 18th).

Travel grants

    Junior people from Eastern Europe and less-developed countries may 
apply for a grant that will cover the registration fee, lodging and meals.
    To apply for a grant, please send a CV together with a letter of 
recommendation to 4thESTC@gmail.com as soon as possible.

Online registration is currently open at http://estcongress.org/

Contributed talks

The deadline for submitting an abstract for a contributed 20 or 50 minutes talk is April 15.