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Kurt Goedel, philosopher: From Logic to Cosmology

11-13 Jul 2013
Marseille, Paris


   International Conference ANR 2013
   Kurt Gödel, philosopher: From Logic to Cosmology

   Université Aix-Marseille
   IHPST (Paris 1/CNRS/ENS)
   SND (Paris 4/CNRS)

   July 11-13, 2013, Aix-en-Provence

   Confirmed invited speakers are:
   John Dawson (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
   Akihiro Kanamori (Boston University, USA)
   Eberhard Knobloch (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
   Göran Sundholm (Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands)
   Richard Tieszen (California State University, San Jose, USA)

   Gödel?s writings published during his lifetime show his dual 
interest in scientific
   questions and in fundamental philosophical questions. The posthumous 
publication of
   certain manuscripts and talks enables one better to understand this 
double interest in
   science and in philosophy. On the one hand, Gödel developed most of 
his scientific
   results in order to solve or clarify certain philosophical 
questions. On the other hand,
   his scientific work in the foundations of mathematics and in 
cosmology enriched his
   philosophical thought on, for example, the a priori classification 
of philosophical
   systems, and on the relations between the notions of concept and 
object.  Hence, not only
   did Gödel, as is well known, believe that philosophy might become an 
exact theory,
   provided that one does for metaphysics what Newton did for physics; 
he should moreover be
   aligned with Descartes, Leibniz, and other early modern philosophers 
who believed that
   science and philosophy are inseparable.

   The conference will explore several features of Gödel?s philosophy 
that emerge from the
   unpublished manuscripts Max-Phil, which have been partly transcribed 
by the research
   group directed by Gabriella Crocco at CEPERC (Université Aix-Marseille).  The
   presentation of the complete transcriptions of Max-Phil IX-XV will 
be accompanied by an
   exploration of Gödel?s philosophy of logic, mathematics, and physics 
by international
   specialists and young Gödel scholars.
   Submissions for individual contributions are invited on the 
interaction between science
   and philosophy in Gödel?s writings. Topical strands may include:
   1. Gödel?s remarks on philosophical systems
   2. the notions of concepts and objects
   3. the distinction between subjective and objective analysis of the real
   4. human will and God?s omnipotence
   5. the relations between Gödel?s theory of concepts and his 
scientific results
   6. time and matter
   7. evil and freedom
   8. Gödel?s conception of mathematics in its relation to philosophy
   Potential contributors will have to submit a title, a short abstract 
(max. 200 words) and
   an extended abstract (1000 words), ready for blind refereeing. The 
abstracts should be
   sent to the following address: goedelphilosopher2013 (at) gmail 
(dot) com. The official
   language of the Conference is English.

   Submission deadline: April 14, 2013 (notifications will be sent by 
mid-May 2013)

   Conference website: 

The conference is supported by the Centre d?Epistémologie et 
d?Ergologie Comparative (CEPERC UMR 7304) de l?Université 
Aix-Marseille, by the Institut d?Histoire et de Philosophie des 
Sciences et des Techniques (IHPST UMR 8590) de l?Université Paris 1 
Panthéon  Sorbonne, and the Institute Sciences, Normes, Décision (SND 
FRE 3593) de l?Université Paris 4 Pierre et Marie Curie.

Organizers: Gabriella Crocco (CEPERC, Université Aix-Marseille), 
Pierre Kerszberg (IHPST, Université Paris 1 / CNRS), Mark Van Atten 
(SND, Université Paris  4 / CNRS), Eric Audureau (CEPERC, Université 
Aix-Marseille / CNRS),  Paola Cantù, (CEPERC, Université Aix-Marseille 
/ CNRS),  Eva-Maria Engelen (CEPERC, Université Aix-Marseille / 
Universität Konstanz, Germany).

Scientific  committee: John Dawson (Pennsylvania State University, 
USA), Akihiro Kanamori (Boston University, USA), Eberhard Knobloch 
(Technische Universität Berlin, Germany), Göran Sundholm (Universiteit 
Leiden, Netherlands), Richard Tieszen (California State University, 
San José, USA), Gabriella Crocco (CEPERC, Université Aix-Marseille), 
Pierre Kerszberg (IHPST, Université Paris 1 /CNRS), Mark Van Atten 
(SND, Université Paris 4 / CNRS), Eric Audureau  (CEPERC, Université 
Aix-Marseille / CNRS), Paola Cantù (CEPERC, Université Aix-Marseille 
/CNRS), Eva-Maria Engelen (CEPERC, Université Aix-Marseille  / 
Universität Konstanz, Germany).

For further information please contact: goedelphilosopher2013 (at) 
gmail  (dot) com