Logic List Mailing Archive

Symposium on Proofs, Programs, Procedures

16-18 Sep 2013
Gent, Belgium


The Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science of Ghent University was 
founded in 1993. On occasion of its 20th anniversary the Centre organises 
an international Conference on Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLPS13) on 
the themes that are central to its research:

- Logical analysis of scientific reasoning processes
- Methodological and epistemological analysis of scientific reasoning

Conference dates: 16-18 September 2013

Keynote talks will be given by Diderik Batens (the founder of the Centre),
three logicians (Natacha Alechina, Graham Priest and Stephen Read) and three
philosophers of science (Hanne Andersen, Hasok Chang, and Jim Woodward).

We will also schedule parallel sessions with contributed papers and special
symposia with a limited number of papers. I organise a symposium (#4) on


The proof-theoretical understanding of logical relations and properties has
received in the last 40 years a significantly new impact from the intuition
underlying the so-called Curry-Howard Isomorphism: the contextual validity of a
proof is equivalent to the executability of a program in a network. Given the
large impact of this identity on theoretical aspects of logic and their
applications, bridging formal properties of proofs with computational aspects
of programs is of huge importance. Besides the purely syntactical relation
between (proof-)validity and (program-) correctness, proof theories for modal,
temporal, dynamic logics can be used to verify software and hardware
specification in a decidable way. In the debate between denotational and
procedural semantics of programming languages a similar paradigm change is at
stake where the standard approach to truth is replaced by provability of type
preservation and termination of procedures.

Proofs, programs, procedures represent the foundational elements in this novel
understanding of traditional logical problems. In this session we will explore
formal and epistemic issues that are relevant to proof-theoretical and type-
theoretical systems, program logics and procedural semantics. Topics of
interest include but are not restricted to:

- proof-theories and type-theories for multi-agent systems, distributed and
parallel computing
- formal and meta-theoretical issues in modal, temporal, concurrent systems
- applications of proof-theoretical and type-theoretical models to issues of
trust, security, reliability, functioning and malfunctioning
- type-checking, proof-checking and automatization
- procedural semantics for epistemic purposes

If you want to present a paper at this symposium, please upload an abstract in
PDF format (between 500 and 1000 words) to:

https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=clps13 before 1 April 2013.

You will be asked to choose between one of the following submission

- Logical analysis of scientific reasoning processes

- Methodological and epistemological analysis of scientific reasoning

- Symposium submission

Select the last option and mention the symposium number in the title of your

If you do not have an EasyChair account you can create one here:


Unfortunately, we cannot offer any financial support for symposium speakers.
Neither can we waive the registration fee.

All abstracts for symposia will be refereed by the organisers and other
members of the programme committee. Notification of acceptance will be given by
15 May 2013.

All further information (e.g. accommodation, registration, maps) can be found
at the conference website: http://www.clps13.ugent.be/.

The programme will be available on the website by 1 July 2013.

Best regards
Giuseppe Primiero