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Special issue of JLC on "Loops in Argumentation", Deadline: 31 March 2013

Journal of Logic and Computation (JLC): Special Issue on Loops in Argumentation

Arguments can be linked together by various kinds of relationships (e.g 
attack, defense, derivation, support, ...) lending themselves to direct 
representation as graph- or network-based formalisms. Dung's argumentation 
framework, encompassing a binary attack relation between arguments, is 
probably the most known one, but other kinds of argumentation networks 
have also been proposed in the literature. Whatever relationship between 
arguments is considered, a circularity in it poses questions which are 
both conceptual and practical. On the conceptual side, one has to make 
sense, if possible, of the loop situation, i.e. either to give it an 
interpretation or reject it (e.g. What does a circular support relation 
mean? Does it represent a valid support in some sense? or, for the attack 
relation, have odd- and even-length attack loops the same or a different 
nature?). On the practical side, one needs to take into account the 
presence of loops in defining models and algorithms operating on 
argumentation networks, primarily when it comes to assess the 
justification status of arguments.

This kind of loop-related questions are receiving increasing attention in 
the literature (again, especially for attack loops in the context of 
Dung's framework) but a wealth of further developments is sought: the aim 
of this special issue is to collect together high-level works assessing 
and/or advancing the state of the art in dealing with (various kinds of) 
loops in (various kinds of) argumentation networks and 
argumentation-related areas. We solicit original submissions on topics 
including, but not limited to: - causes, nature and conceptual status of 
circular relationships in formal and informal argumentation - handling of 
loops in argumentation networks at semantic and/or algorithmic level - 
loops in argumentation networks vs. loops in logic programming, dialogue 
protocols and other argumentation-related formalisms - loops in actual 
argumentation-based reasoning and dialogues (legal reasoning, 
evidence-based reasoning, decision support, negotiation, deliberation, 

We encourage submissions of high quality, original papers which are not 
simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Reviewing will take 
place according to the standards common at JLC. Authors will be able to 
keep part of the copyright, so that their work can also be published by 
other means (for instance as book chapters), after the special issue has 

Important Dates:
- Submissions due for review:	March 31, 2013
- Notification of 1st decision:	June 30, 2013
- Revisions due: September 30, 2013
- Notification of acceptance:	October 20, 2013
- Final version due:	November 3, 2013
- Issue publication:	mid 2014

Instructions for submission (see also http://jlcloops13.ing.unibs.it/): 
Paper submission is managed through EasyChair and is open between February 
1 and March 31, 2013. Papers should be submitted in PDF format through the 
submission page available at this link 
(https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=jlcloops13). There are no 
restrictions on the length of the papers. Authors will be allowed to keep 
the pre-print version of the paper on their personal website.

Special issue editors
- Pietro Baroni (University of Brescia)
- Dov Gabbay (King's College, London)
- Massimiliano Giacomin (University of Brescia)