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AGI-12 / AGI-Impact: The 2012 Winter Intelligence Conference

7-11 December 2012
Oxford, U.K.


5th Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI-12) &
Conference on the Impacts and Risks of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI-Impacts)

7-11 December 2012
Oxford, St. Anne's College

This landmark conference will feature leading international experts in 
this emerging and potentially radically transformative field, including:

Bruce Schneier
 	World-leading expert on computer security, cryptography and their implications for real world engineering.
Steve Omohundro
 	Founder of Self-Aware Systems, leading expert in machine learning, machine vision, programming languages.
Margaret Boden
 	Author of Mind as Machine, founding Dean of the University of Sussex's School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences.
David Hanson
 	President and Founder of Hanson Robotics, creators of Hanson Robokind.
Angelo Cangelosi
 	Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Cognition at the University of Plymouth, leading expert in developmental robotics
Nick Bostrom
 	Director of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford, 2009 winner of the Gannon Award for the Continued Pursuit of Human Advancement

The Conference will be divided into
a) AGI-12: Technical talks covering theoretical aspects of AGI, and reports on current developments towards AGI systems
 	Full programme: AGI-12 http://agi-conference.org/2012/schedule/
b) AGI-Impacts: Rigorous discussion of the potential future risks, benefits and societal impacts of this emerging transformative technology (10 & 11 Dec.)
 	Full programme: AGI-Impacts http://www.winterintelligence.org/#calendar

For registration (for one or both events), and accommodation at St. Anne's 
College, please see: 

For any queries please contact: