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Faculty position in formal epistemology, Pittsburgh PA (U.S.A.), Deadline: 1 Nov 2012

Philosophy at CMU: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor in Formal 
Epistemology, Logic, or Rational Choice

The Philosophy department at Carnegie Mellon University is hiring an 
Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor, to begin August 2013.

     AOS: Formal epistemology, Logic, or Rational choice.
     AOC: Open.

     The Department welcomes applications from scholars in any discipline 
who pursue formal research that is philosophically motivated. 
Responsibilities: Exemplary research and publication, teaching two courses 
per semester (4/yr), graduate student supervision, and some committee 
work. Carnegie Mellon is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer 
with particular interest in identifying women, minority, individuals with 
disabilities and veteran applicants for faculty positions.

The deadline for applications is November 1st, 2012. Guidelines can be 
found along with the job ad here:
