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PhD student position in theoretical computer science, Vienna (Austria), Deadline: 31 Aug 2012

within the FWF (Austrian Science Fund) project
"Algorithms and Complexity of Constraint Languages"
at Vienna University of Technology

You should have a master degree in computer science,
mathematics, or equivalent, and you should be interested
in the theoretical aspects of computer science. You are
expected to write a PhD thesis in the area of our project;
for a short description see

To find out whether the topic is made for you look up keywords
- Schaefer's dichotomy theorem
- clones and co-clones (algebra, not Dolly)
- computational complexity

Moreover, you should be fluent in English. Some knowledge of
German will be useful since you will be living in Vienna,
Austria, but is no requirement.  You don't have to be a
software engineer, but you should have programming skills to
implement algorithms and to use the computer as a research tool.

Salary for a 30h/week employment: EUR 26.600,- pre-tax per year
Duration: initially 1 year, up to a total of 3 years
Application deadline: August 31, 2012
Start of position: October 2012 or later

Send inquiries and your application to Gernot Salzer,
salzer@logic.at . The application should consist of
- curriculum vitae
- scan of graduation diploma and/or other relevant certificates
- letter of motivation (Why do you want to do a PhD? Why in
   this area? Why at TU Wien?)
- recommendation letters or references (optional)
- list of publications (optional)