Logic List Mailing Archive

LogInf 2012: Logik in der Informatik

16-17 Nov 2012
Mannheim, Germany

LogInf-Meeting 2012:

          Logik in der Informatik (Logic in computer science)
          Mannheim University of Applied Science, November 16 & 17, 2012


Dear friends and colleagues,

This is the first announcement for the annual meeting of the working group
"Logic in Computer Science" of the "Society for Computer Science" in 2012.
The conference will take place at the University of Applied Sciences in
Mannheim on November 16 & 17 (Friday and Saturday), 2012.

The following main speakers have confirmed to give an invited talk:

Klaus Ambos-Spies (Heidelberg)
Carsten Lutz (Bremen)
Nicole Schweikardt (Frankfurt)

On Friday, November 16, we plan to have an informal dinner.

Anyone interested in participating in the meeting should register online
by October 31, 2012 at

Regular talks from all areas of logic and its applications
in computer science are very welcome.
Please send an email with a short abstract (max. 1 page)
by October 16, 2012, to
        l.struengmann at hs-mannheim.de

For further information (in particular concerning
accommodation etc) please see


or contact me directly under l.struengmann at hs-mannheim.de

We are looking forward to seeing you all!

                        Lutz Strüngmann

Professor Dr. Lutz Strüngmann
Institut für Angewandte Mathematik
Fakultät für Informatik
Hochschule Mannheim
Paul-Wittsack-Str. 10
68163 Mannheim
Tel.: +49-621-292-6762

mail: l.struengmann@hs-mannheim.de
web: http://www.uni-due.de/algebra-logic/struengmann.shtml