Logic List Mailing Archive

Pisa Summer Workshop in Proof Theory (extended deadline)

12-15 June 2012
Pisa, Italy

Pisa Summer Workshop in Proof Theory

Pisa, Italy
12-15 June 2012

Organizers: Department of Philosophy, University of Pisa
            Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki

Open call for papers

Aimed at understanding the structure of mathematical proofs, proof theory 
has undergone different phases: it has been reductive, general, 
structural. Especially thanks to sequent calculus formalization, deep 
results were attained as far as proofs in pure logic and arithmetic are 
concerned. Through significant connections with computer science, proof 
theory contributed to the birth of new areas of research outside 
traditional mathematics, such as the verification of correctness of 
computer programs. Natural deduction has led to the Curry-Howard 
correspondence and to connections with functional programming, and sequent 
calculus is often used in systems of automatic proof search, as in logic 
programming. Rooted in general proof theory, a proof-theoretic semantics 
has been recently developed as an alternative to standard denotational 
truth-condition semantics. The workshop will focus mainly on proof 
systems, but we aim at touching several areas of the proof-theoretical 

The workshop will be framed in two six-hour tutorials, six one-hour 
lectures, and is open to half-hour contributed talks. People interested to 
present a paper in the workshop may send a title with a short abstract to 
one of the following e-mail addresses:


Extended Deadline for submissions:  April 10,  2012


George Metcalfe  (University of Bern): ?Admissible Rules in Logic and Algebra?

Sara Negri  (University of Helsinki): ?Proof systems for modal and epistemic 


Arnon Avron   (University of Tel-Aviv): ?Construction of Cut-free Sequent 
Calculi for Paraconsistent Logics?

Kosta Dosen   (University of Belgrade): ?The Main Question of General Proof 

Hermann Ruge Jervell   (University of Oslo): ?Cut elimination?

Simone Martini   (University of Bologna): Title tba

Alex Simpson   (University of Edinburgh): Title tba

Jan von Plato   (University of Helsinki): Title tba.

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