Logic List Mailing Archive

Computability and Logic

5 April 2012
Bern, Switzerland

The Swiss Graduate Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science (SGSLPS) 
organises a one-day conference on COMPUTABILITY AND LOGIC on April 5 in 

Computability is the ability to solve a problem in an effective manner. It 
is a key topic of the field of computability theory within mathematical 
logic and of the theory of computation within computer science. The 
theoretical and technological discoveries of the last century enable us to 
compute more than has ever been possible before. Ever since Alan Turing we 
have also been aware of things we cannot compute. The results of Kurt 
Gödel eventually showed that the uncomputable plays an important role in 
mathematical logic. Reciprocally mathematical logic has become the main 
tool of computer science.

We have the pleasure to announce that Prof. S Barry Cooper will open the 
event, giving a two hours tutorial. Deeply involved in The Alan Turing 
Year, he will focus on the notion of "computation" and expose several 
related questions that were raised by Alan Turing's work. After this 
introduction, two young researchers will present their work in the broad 
field of computability and logic. Zoé Christoff will concentrate on 
Gödel's incompleteness theorems, discuss their meaning as well as their 
bearing on foundational issues in mathematics and present some related 
uncomputability results from a philosopher's point of view. Alessandro 
Facchini, the recipient of the 2011 Paul Bernays award, will shed light on 
two simple examples of "the unusual effectiveness of logic in computer 

Invited Speakers:
Prof. S Barry Cooper (University of Leeds)
Zoé Christoff (ILLC, Amsterdam)
Dr Alessandro Facchini (University of Amsterdam)

Titles and abstracts can be found here.
Please find a full program on www.sgslps.ch.
All are welcome!

The SGSLPS is an association of advanced undergraduate and graduate 
students concerned with logic and/or philosophy of science. Its aim is to 
promote logic among young scientists of a wide range of disciplines 
including, but not restricted to, mathematics, philosophy and computer 
science. It presents high level introductory events on chosen topics from 
the field of logic to all those with an interest in this domain.

For the SGSLPS, Marion Haemmerli (Lausanne), Kevin Fournier (Lausanne), 
Yann Pequignot (Lausanne) and Dandolo Flumini (Bern)