Logic List Mailing Archive

PhD student position in model checking, Kassel (Germany), Deadline: 8 March 2012

One full-time PhD studentship is available at the the School of Electrical 
Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Kassel, Germany. The 
positions are funded by the ERC project "Model Checking Unleashed" and are 
initially available for two years with the possibility of extension for 
another year. There are no teaching obligations. Starting date is 
negotiable but the position must be taken up no later than December, 1st, 
2012 in order to enjoy the full three years of funding.

The project investigates applications of logical methods to various
computational problems from diverse areas like database theory, graph
theory, bio-informatics, computational linguistics, etc. but also in the
classical domain of model checking, namely formal methods.

Applicants must have an MSc / diploma in computer science, mathematics,
or related areas, or should be very close to completion thereof. They should
have a good background in theoretical computer science, with strong
interest in logic, algorithmics, and/or possible application areas as mentioned

The project is run at the Formal Methods and Software Verification group (FMV).
Working language is English. Knowledge of German is not a requirement for
these positions. Further information about the FMV group is available here:

For informal enquiries please contact Martin Lange via <first name>.<last name>
@uni-kassel.de or +49/0 561 8046261. Applications must be directed to the HR
department of the University of Kassel, for instance via pvabt3@uni-kassel.de .
They should contain a CV and names of 1-2 references, and must state the
reference number for this announcement which is 17867.

Deadline for applications is March, 8th, 2012. The official announcement for
this position is available here (in German):

Prof. Dr. Martin Lange          http://www.uni-kassel.de/~mlange
Elect. Engineering&  Comp. Science    martin.lange@uni-kassel.de
University of Kassel, Germany                 +49/0 561 804 6261