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PhD student position in theoretical foundations of computational music, Bordeaux (France)

A PhD position will be available at LaBRI, Bordeaux University, in

                    theoretical foundation of computational music.

With a 3 years duration, the PhD is expected to start by the end of summer 

The PhD student will conduct his research in one of the following fields:

* algebraic and automata theory for interactive music modeling and musical 

* real-time hierarchical and interactive system architecture for computer 
assisted musical performance.

This research will be integrated in the french national ANR project INEDIT 
(2012-2016) that include LaBRI (Bordeaux), IRCAM (Paris) and GRAME (Lyon).

As the aim of INEDIT project is, in particular, to bridge the gap between 
formal methods and computational music, the PhD student must have a strong 
background in theoretical foundation of formal methods for computer 
science. This includes in particular automata theory, logic (model or 
proof theory), game theory, algebraic theory of languages, or contraints 

A taste for music, whatever style or origin, will be welcome.

The research will be conducted in both the Formal Methods team and the 
Image and Sound team at LaBRI (www.labri.fr) with a close collaboration 
with composers at SCRIME (scrime.labri.fr).

For more information or application, please contact David Janin 