Logic List Mailing Archive

CSL 2012: Computer Science Logic

3-6 Sep 2012
Fontainebleau, France


Call for papers
              CSL'12 - Computer Science Logic 2012

The 21th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic will take place 
in Fontainebleau (France) in 3-6 september 2012.


Inportant dates :

Abstract submission : April 2, 2012
Paper submission : April 9, 2012
Notification : June 9, 2012
Final version : June 29, 2012

Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European 
Association for Computer Science Logic. The conference is intended for 
computer scientists whose research activities involve logic, as well as 
for logicians working on issues significant for computer science.

Topics of interests include (but are not limited to):

- automated deduction and interactive theorem proving
- constructive mathematics and type theory
- equational logic and term rewriting
- automata and games, game semantics
- modal and temporal logic
- model checking
- decision procedures
- logical aspects of computational complexity
- finite model theory
- computational proof theory
- bounded arithmetic and propositional proof complexity
- logic programming and constraints
- lambda calculus and combinatory logic
- domain theory
- categorical logic and topological semantics
- database theory
- specification, extraction and transformation of programs
- logical aspects of quantum computing
- logical foundations of programming paradigms
- verification and program analysis
- linear logic
- higher-order logic
- nonmonotonic reasoning

Invited talks:

- Serge Abiteboul (INRIA, Cachan)
- Stephen Cook (Toronto)
- Inês Lynce (Lisbon)
- Janos Makowsky (Technion, Haifa)

Program Committee:

- Jeremy Avigad (Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, USA)
- Arnold Beckmann (Swansea, UK)
- Nikolaj Bjorner (Microsoft, Redmond, USA)
- Julian Bradfield (Edimburgh, UK)
- Thomas Brihaye (Mons, Belgium)
- Patrick Cégielski (UPEC, France, co-chair)
- Victor Dalmau  (Barcelona, Spain)
- Josée Desharnais (Laval, Canada)
- Mariangiola Dezani (Torino, Italy)
- Gilles Dowek (INRIA, Paris-Rocquencourt, France)
- Arnaud Durand (Paris, France, co-chair)
- Nicola Galesi (Roma, Italy)
- Laura Kovacs  (TU Vienna, Austria)
- Antonin Kucera (Brno, Czech Republic)
- Viktor Kuncak (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Daniel Leivant (Indiana, USA)
- Markus Lohrey (Leipzig, Germany)
- Alexandre Miquel (ENS Lyon, France)
- Filip Murlak (Warsaw, Poland)
- Prakash Panangaden (Mc Gill, Montreal, Canada)
- Nicole Schweikardt (Frankfurt, Germany)
- Sam Staton (Cambridge, UK)
- Miroslaw Truszczynski (Kentucky, USA)
- Helmut Veith (TU Vienna, Austria)
- Frank Wolter (Liverpool, UK)

Co-chairs of the organizing committee:

- Patrick Cegielski (UPEC)
- Pierre Valarcher (UPEC)