Logic List Mailing Archive

5th Young Set Theory Workshop

30 Apr - 4 May 2012
Luminy, France

Dear colleagues,

You will find below the second announcement relative to the Young Set
Theory Workshop that will take place in Luminy between April 30th and May
4th, 2012.

Please transfer it to anybody who might be interested in attending.

Regards, and all the best for 2012,


Dear all,

This is the second announcement for the Young Set Theory Workshop that
will take place in Luminy between April 30th and May 4th, 2012. Please
note the following important information (especially concerning ASL
grants, because of the close deadline):

0) Webpages:

The webpage of the conference is:


Official registration will soon take place on the CIRM website (before
registering, an account has to be created):


1) Registration fee:

The amount to register will be at most 205 Euros. This will cover food and
lodging from Sunday April 29th evening to Friday May 4th (checkout 6pm).
Those who are willing to stay at the CIRM until Saturday morning will have
the possibility to do so, but we will not be able to cover the
corresponding expenses (at most 90 Euros, depending on the kind of bedroom).

Payment of the fee will have to be done online. Details in a soon coming
email, and on the website of the conference.

2) Grants:

The ASL will bring support via the possibility of obtaining travel awards
for graduate students who are members of the ASL:


Please note that the deadline for asking for such a grant is three months
before the meeting. In our case, that means that applications should be
sent very shortly, before the end of January 2012.

We will also be able to bring partial financial support for some
participants who are not supported by their institutions. To apply for
such a grant, participants should contact Lionel Nguyen Van Th
(lionel@latp.univ-mrs.fr), and ask their supervisor to send directly a
short reference letter. The deadline for applying is February 29th.

2) Research statement:

We would like all the participants to send us a research statement (pdf)
file, which will be made available on the web page.

Looking forward to meeting you in Luminy,

Julien Melleray,
Lionel Nguyen Van Th,
Todor Tsankov,
Matteo Viale,