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WG 2012: Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science

26-28 June 2012
Jerusalem, Israel

                       *FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT*

*                 38th International Workshop on
*         Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science

*                          (WG 2012)

*         Where:     Ramat-Rachel Kibbutz Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel

*         When:      June 26 - 28, 2012

*         Website:   http://www.cri.haifa.ac.il/wg2012/


The conference WG 2012 continues the series of 37 previous WGs. The WG 2012
conference will be held at Ramat-Rachel on the outskirts of Jerusalem, from
the 26th of June to the 28th of June 2012, with participants expected to
arrive on the 25th of June.


WG 2012 aims at uniting theory and practice by demonstrating how
Graph-Theoretic concepts can be applied to various areas in Computer
Science, or by extracting new problems from applications. The goal is to
present recent research results and to identify and explore directions of
future research. The conference is well-balanced with respect to established
researchers and young scientists. The proceedings will be published in the
LNCS series of Springer-Verlag.

Papers are solicited describing original results on all aspects of
graph-theoretic concepts in Computer Science, e.g. structural graph theory,
sequential, parallel, randomized, parameterized, and distributed graph and
network algorithms and their complexity, graph grammars and graph rewriting
systems, graph-based modeling, graph-drawing and layout, random graphs,
diagram methods, and support of these concepts by suitable implementations.

The scope of WG includes all applications of graph-theoretic concepts in
Computer Science, including data structures, data bases, programming
languages, computational geometry, tools for software construction,
communications, computing on the web, models of the web and scale-free
networks, mobile computing, concurrency, computer architectures, VLSI,
artificial intelligence, graphics, CAD, operations research, and pattern

*INVITED SPEAKERS (confirmed as of October 2011)*

 	David Peleg  (Weizmann Institute of Science)

 	Dieter Rautenbach (Universitt Ulm )


             Paper submission deadline:     March 2, 2012

             Notification of acceptance:     April 30, 2012

             Conference:                             June 26-28, 2012

             Pre-workshop symposia proposals: ongoing until March 2, 2012



The submission website will open February 1, 2012.
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract in English no longer than
10 pages on letter-size or A4-size paper using at least 11-point font (and
preferably LaTeX article style 11pt A4paper).

Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be put into an appendix to be
read by the program committee members at their discretion. Simultaneous
submission to other conferences with published proceedings is not allowed.


A best student paper award will be granted. The program committee will judge
the submissions and announce the best student paper during the workshop. For
the purpose of this award, a student paper is defined as one in which *all
authors* are students (without a doctoral degree) as of the submission date.


WG2012 will feature three new additional features:

*Student poster session*:
 	students who are authors of papers accepted to other international
 	refereed conferences in 2012, may apply to present a poster at WG2012.

*Pre-workshop* small research meetings and tutorials to be held at the
University of Haifa. (Proposals should be sent to the Chairs as soon as possible.)

*Post-workshop* optional tours will be available.


    Conference chair:  Martin Golumbic <golumbic@cs.haifa.ac.il>
    Program co-chair:  Michal Stern <stern@mta.ac.il>
    Organizational co-chair: Avivit Levy <avivitlevy@gmail.com>


Threse Biedl (Canada), Hans Bodlaender (Netherlands), Andreas Brandstadt
(Germany), L. Sunil Chandran (India), Jianer Chen (USA), Lenore J. Cowen
(USA), Celina de Figueiredo (Brazil), Fedor Fomin (Norway), Magnus M.
Halldorsson (Iceland), Martin Charles Golumbic (Co-chair) (Israel),
Gregory Z. Gutin (UK), Irith Hartman (Israel), Pavol Hell (Canada),
Seok-Hee Hong (Australia), Tibor Jordan (Hungary), Michael Kaufmann
(Germany), Dieter Kratsch (France), Lap Chi Lau (Hong Kong), Avivit Levy
(Israel), Vincent Limouzy (France), Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela (Italy),
Ross McConnell (USA), Radiger Reischuk (Germany), Michal Stern (Co-chair)
(Israel), Dimitrios Thilikos (Greece), Yaokun Wu (China), Shmuel Zaks (Israel).

* A pdf version of the first announcement, available for posting on
physical bulletin boards, is available at the workshop website:
*         http://www.cri.haifa.ac.il/wg2012/