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4th Copenhagen-Lund Workshop on Social Epistemology

9-10 Dec 2011
Lund, Sweden

4th Copenhagen-Lund Workshop on Social Epistemology
     Lund, 9-10 December 2011

 	The workshop is free and open, but attendance should registered 
with the organizer, Frank Zenker [mailto:frank.zenker@fil.lu.se] , latest 
Nov. 25. For more information, see the workshop website 
[http://www.fil.lu.se/conferences/conference.asp?id=43&lang=se] .

December 9
Kungshuset, Lundagard, Room 311

 	10.00 10.15 Welcome (Coffee from 9:45)
10.15 11.15 Chiara Lisciandra (Tilburg, w/ Stephan Hartmann & Ryan Muldoon): Pluralistic Ignorance: A Bayesian Account
11.15 12.15 Rogier De Langhe (Helsinki): Pluralistic Ignorance in Economic Theory
12.15 13.30 Lunch
13.30 14.30 Hans van Dithmarsch (Sevilla): Ignorance, Lies, and Cheap Talk
14.30 15.30 Stephan Hartmann (Tilburg, w/ Wlodek Rabinowicz): On the Aggregation of Value Judgments: An Epistemic Perspective
15.30 16.00 Coffee
16.00 17.00 Rouhallah Ramezanivarzaneh (Tehran): Justifiability Despite Belief Polarization: A Disagreement-Based Theory of Epistemic Justification
17.00 18.00 Merel Lefevere (Gent): Expert Responsibility and Moral Community: Economists and Uncertainty
19.15 Dinner (Kungshuset)

 	December 10
9.45 Coffee
10.00 11.00 Jonathan Robson (Nottingham): A Social Epistemology of Aesthetics
11.10 12.10 Bert Baumgaertner (Davis): Modeling Echo Chambers
12.20 13.20 Rasmus K. Rendsvig (Roskilde): Qualitative Modeling of Informational Cascades
13.30 Lunch