Logic List Mailing Archive

EASLLC 2012: East-Asian School on Logic, Language, and Computation

27-31 August 2012
Chongqing, China

East-Asian School on Logic, Language, and Computation (EASLLC 2012)

Southwest University, Chongqing, China, August 27-31, 2012


This is a school for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, similar in 
spirit to the annual ESSLLI summer schools in Europe and also to the 
Sino-European Summer School on Logic, Language, and Computation, which took 
place in Guangzhou, China in December 2010.

  * The program of EASLLC 2012 will consist of nine courses in three
    different tracks: logic, language, and computation.
  * The program will also feature one plenary evening talk for a wider
    audience given by one of the lecturers of the School.
  * There will be student sessions in the late afternoon/early evening
    of some days of the School in which students will give short
    presentations of work in progress. The deadline for submissions to
    the student session will be announced later.
  * In addition, a mentoring program is being planned. Selected students
    will be assigned one of the lecturers as mentor for informal
    interaction and discussions on research and career goals during the
  * Prior to the School, an International Conference will take place on
    August 25 and 26, 2012. The program will consist of a combination of
    invited talks and contributed talks based on papers submitted to the
    program committee of that event


  * Logic Track:Fenrong Liu (Tsinghua University),Rohit Parikh (Brooklyn
    College of CUNY and CUNY Graduate Center),Jouko Vaananen (University
    of Helsinki and University of Amsterdam)
  * Language Track: Pauline Jacobson (Brown University), Geoffrey K.
    Pullum (University of Edinburgh and Brown University), Dag
    Westerstahl (StockholmUniversity)
  * Computation Track: Krzysztof R. Apt (CWI and University of
    Amsterdam), Phokion G. Kolaitis (University of California Santa Cruz
    and IBM Research -- Almaden), Moshe Y. Vardi (Rice University)

Scientific Organization:

  * Program Committee Chair: Phokion G. Kolaitis
  * Program Committee co-Chairs:Xiangdong He (Southwest University),
    Jouko Vaananen, Dag Westerstahl

Local Organization:

  * Meiyun Guo (Southwest University),Minghui Ma (Southwest
    University),Jing Wang (Southwest University), Xiaojia Tang
    (Southwest University)

Student Program Organization:

  * Chair: Yi Wang (Bergen University College)
  * Co-Chair: Fan Yang (University of Helsinki)

Details about courses, times, practical arrangements, etc. will follow soon.