Logic List Mailing Archive

MWPMW 12: Midwest PhilMath Workshop

5-6 Nov 2011
Notre Dame IN, U.S.A.

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

This is an invitation to the twelfth annual Midwest PhilMath Workshop 
(MWPMW 12), to be held at Notre Dame the weekend of Saturday, November 5th 
and Sunday, November 6th. As usual, the plan is to schedule a full day of 
talks and discussions for Saturday and a half day for Sunday. Also as 
usual, there will be a workshop dinner Saturday evening, with all 
participants invited to attend as guests of the university. What is 
different this year is that we'll be having both a special symposium 
Saturday morning and two related workshops on Thursday, November 3rd and 
Friday, November 4th.

The special symposium Saturday morning is on The Nature of Mathematical 
Reasoning. It will feature talks by Alan Bundy of the Informatic School at 
Edinburgh, Lance Rips of the Psychology Department at Northwestern and 
Martin Monti of the Psychology Department at UCLA. The rest of the 
workshop program is given below and also at: 

The theme of the Thursday workshop is "Knowledge, Representation and Proof 
in the Modern Era", and the theme of the Friday workshop will be "Logic, 
Proof and Computation". See their programs and schedules below and also 
at: http://philosophy.nd.edu/news/events/#Conferences

We're fortunate to have Mrs. Harriet Baldwin (baldwin.1@nd.edu) as the 
workshop manager again this year. Please contact her with any questions 
you may have concerning rooms, meals, etc.. She has booked a block of 
rooms for the workshop. Since there are other conferences going on the 
same weekend, demand for rooms may be high and it would thus be a good 
idea to reserve a room with Harriet as soon as possible. Please do so then 
by October 15th. Please also indicate to her whether you will be joining 
us for lunch and dinner Saturday and for lunch on Sunday (all as guests of 
the university). At that time, kindly also let her know if you have 
special dietary requirements.

Finally, I'd ask that you share this announcement with others you know who 
might be interested, including both students and faculty. We are fortunate 
once again to have limited funds to help defray expenses for student 
participants coming from out of town whose departments do not have funds 
to cover their costs. These funds will generally take the form of 
subventions for lodging. If you are interested in applying for a 
subvention, please notify Mrs. Baldwin of that fact as soon as you can. 
Please also have an appropriate faculty member from your department email 
me to confirm that it cannot meet your expenses.

That's it for now. I hope the fall is off to a good start for you.

I look forward to seeing you at MWPMW 12 and the other workshops in 


Mic Detlefsen
Director, MWPMW 12

"Knowledge, Representation and Proof in the Modern Era"

An Ideals of Proof (IP) Workshop in the History and Philosophy of Mathematics

Thursday, November 3, 2011
McKenna Hall, Room 210-214


9:00am: 		Douglas Jesseph, Philosophy, University of South Florida

 			"Leibniz on the Eliminability of Infinitesimals: Strategies for Finding Truth in Fiction"

10:20am:	Andrew Arana, Philosophy, Kansas State University & Sebastien Maronne, Mathématiques, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse

 			"Complexity and opacity in early modern geometry"

11:40am:	Mary Domski, Philosophy, University of New Mexico

 			"Descartes and Newton on the Mathematical Character of Natural Philosophy"

LUNCH		1-2:20 (Morris Inn)

2:30pm:		Emily Carson, Philosophy, McGill University

 			"Sensibility, understanding and number in Kant"

3:50pm:		Vincenzo DeRisi, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

 			"Proving an Axiom qua Axiom. On the mathematical epistemology of Gerolamo Saccheri"


5:15pm:		Stephen Gaukroger, Philosophy, University of Sydney

 			"Representation and Demonstration: The Roots of the Early-Modern Preoccupation with Representation"

"Logic, Proof and Computation"

An Ideals of Proof (IP) Workshop in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics

Friday, November 4, 2011
McKenna Hall, Romm 201

9am: 		Sean Walsh, Philosophy, Birkbeck, University of London & Walter Dean, Philosophy, University of Warwick:

 			"Reversals and Sameness of Computational Resource"

10:20am: 	Richard Pettigrew, Philosophy, University of Bristol

 			"Instrumental Nominalism and the Length of Proofs"

11:40am: 	Oran Magal, Philosophy, McGill University

 			"The logical in mathematics, and the mathematical in logic"

Lunch 		1:00-2:20 (Morris Inn)

2:30pm:  	Chris Porter, Mathematics & Philosophy, University of Notre Dame

 			"Algorithmic Randomness, Extensional Adequacy, and the Exemplary Ideal of Completeness" David McCarty: "Realism and Church's Thesis"

3:40pm: 		Gilles Dowek, Computer Science, INRIA, Paris

 			"Simple type theory: the logical and the theoretical points of view"

5:00pm: 		Jouko Väänänen, Mathematics, University of Helsinki, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam.
 			Visiting Professor, Philosophy, NYU

 			"Dependence and independence in logic"

Social hour: 	7:00pm

Dinner: 		7:30pm

The Twelfth Annual Midwest PhilMath Workshop (MWPMW 12)
Saturday, Nov 5, 2011
University of Notre Dame
Debartolo Hall, Room 129

Symposium: "The Nature of Mathematical Reasoning"

9am: 		Martin Monti, Psychology, UCLA

 			"Language and structure-dependent cognition in the human brain"

10:05: 		Alan Bundy, Informatics, University of Edinburgh

 			"What is a Proof?"

11:10: 		Lance Rips, Psychology, Northwestern University

 			"Possible Number Systems"

Lunch 		12:30pm-1:55pm (Morris Inn)

2:00pm: 		Geoffrey Hellman, Philosophy, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities & Stewart Shapiro, Philosophy, The Ohio State University

 			"A Categorical Point-Free Reconstruction of the Classical Continuum"

3:05pm: 		Roy Cook, Philosophy, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities:

 			"Logicism, Complement and Separation"

4:10: 		Colin McLarty, Philosophy & Mathematics, Case Western Reserve University

 			"Fermat's Last Theorem and Peano Arithmetic"

5:15: 		Daniel Sutherland, Philosophy, University of Illinois-Chicago

 			"The Role of Enumeration in Kant's Philosophy of Arithmetic"

6:30		Social Hour

7:15		Dinner 		(Morris Inn)

The Twelfth Annual Midwest PhilMath Workshop (MWPMW 12)
Sunday, Nov 5, 2011
University of Notre Dame
Debartolo Hall, Room 129

9am: 		Jouko Väänänen, Mathematics, University of Helsinki, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam.
 			Visiting Professor, Philosophy, NYU

 			"Second order logic or set theory?"

10:05am: 	David McCarty, The Logic Program, Indiana University

 			"Realism and Church's Thesis"

11:10am: 	Chris Pincock, Philosophy, University of Missouri

 			"The Unsolvability of the Quintic: A Case Study in Abstract Mathematical Explanation"

12:15pm: 	Paola Cantu, CNRS, CEPERC, Université de Provence

 			"An Argumentative Analysis of the Method of Ideal Elements in Mathematics"

1:30pm 		Lunch	(Morris Inn)