Logic List Mailing Archive

MLQA 2011: Models and Logics for Quantitative Analysis

5 Sep 2011
Aachen, Germany

Third Annual Meeting of the ERCIM Working Group on Models and Logics
for Quantitative Analysis (MLQA 2011)


September 5th, 2011, Aachen, Germany
Part of the International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2011)
and the collocated events  QEST 2011 and TGC 2011.


Continuous modeling and analysis techniques is currently quite a hot
topic in the area of models and logics for quantitative analysis.
Continuous domains are systematically and naturally used in the area of
quantitative Process Algebras and Logics e.g. in the form of Time, or
Probability, or random variable parameters (e.g. rates of exponential
distributions). More recently, continuous domains have been used as
approximations of typically discrete quantities which arise naturally
when reasoning about (quantitative, e.g. stochastic) process algebras,
like population sizes, i.e. the number of processes in a certain state
at a certain point in time. Examples of such a use of continuous domains
are PEPA ODE semantics, BioPEPA and can be found in the area of
fluid/flow or mean-field analysis. In all these cases, discrete measures
which vary over time are approximated by continuous functions (of time)
which are often characterized as solutions of a set of differential
equations. The aim of the MLQA workshop is to bring together experts in
areas like process algebra, stochastic differential equations,
fluid-flow techniques for process algebras, for queueing networks or
Petri nets, stochastic hybrid systems, both from the theoretical
foundations point of view and from that of the applications. **

Jane Hillston <http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/jeh/>
Diego Latella <http://www.isti.cnr.it/People/D.Latella>
Flemming Nielson <http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/~nielson/>

MLQA (http://wiki.ercim.eu/wg/MLQA) is an ERCIM WG founded in 2009 and
chaired by Prof. Flemming Nielson of DTU.

We invite all interested researchers and PhD students to participate
at MLQA 2011. Registration is via the CONCUR website:
