Logic List Mailing Archive

CADE-23: Conference on Automated Deduction

31 Jul - 5 Aug 2011
Wroclaw, Poland

                       CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

     23rd International Conference on Automated Deduction
                        Wroclaw, Poland
                   July 31 - August 5, 2011

CADE is the major forum for the presentation of research in
all aspects of automated deduction. The conference programme
will include invited talks, paper presentations, system
descriptions, workshops, tutorials, and system competitions.

Registration, accomodation, and travel/visa information for CADE 23
and all the affiliated workshops and tutorials can be found on
the CADE 23 web pages 

  * Guaranteed Accomodation:       11 June 2011
  * Early Registration Deadline:   18 June 2011
  * Workshops/Tutorials:           31 July-1 August 2011
  * Main Conference:              2-5 August 2011

  * Presentation of 4 invited talks
  * Presentation of 28 regular research papers
  * Presentation of 7 system description
  * Presentation of the Herbrand Award to Nachum Dershowitz
  * 6 workshops, 6 tutorials, CASC competition

  * Koen Claessen, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  * Byron Cook, Microsoft Research Cambridge, and
                Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom
  * Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France
  * Aarne Ranta, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

  * BOOGIE 2011: The First International Workshop
                 on Intermediate Verification Languages.
  * Thedu 11:    CTP Components for Educational Software.
  * PSATTT11:    International Workshop on Proof Search
                 in Axiomatic Theories and Type Theories.
  * PxTP:        First Workshop on Proof eXchange for Theorem Proving.
  * ATE 2011:    The first Workshop on Automated Theory Engineering.
  * UNIF 2011:   The International Workshop on Unification.

  * First-Order Theorem proving and Vampire.
  * Grammatical Framework: A Hands-On Introduction.
  * Model Checking Modulo Theories: Theory and Practice.
  * Practical Computer Formalization of Mathematics Using Mizar.
  * Practical Reasoning with Quantified Boolean Formulas.
  * Computational Logic and Human Thinking.

  * CASC, the CADE ATP System Competition.

The Woody Bledsoe Student Travel Award is intended to enable
selected students to attend the Conference on Automated Deduction
(CADE) and associated events by covering a large part of their expenses.

The winners of the travel award will be (partially) reimbursed for
their conference registration, transportation, and accommodation
expenses (past awards have varied, but have typically been been
between 150-600 Euro, depending on the degree of active participation
and the distance that needs to be traveled).
Preference will be given to students who are author or co-author
of a paper at the conference or who contributed to an associated
event, and do not have alternative funding. However, also students
in other situations are very much encouraged to apply.

See the CADE 23 web pages for more information, including information
on how to apply. The deadline for applications is 25 June 2011.