Logic List Mailing Archive

PhD student position in agents exchanging information, Aix-Marseille (France), Deadline: 10 June 2011

The University of Aix-Marseille is offering one PhD position in Computer 
Science (CNRS Laboratories LSIS http://www.lsis.org/ and LIF 
http://www.lif.univ-mrs.fr/) under the direction of Nicola Olivetti 
(http://www.lsis.org/olivetti/) and Camilla Schwind 

The thesis project concerns groups of agents which collaborate exchanging 
information and must follow different rules of behaviour. In this 
environment, the behaviour and the reasoning tasks are complex and concern 
multiple agents. The research will concentrate on the study logical 
formalisms for agent interaction based on modal logics and on the 
development of automated deduction methods for the studied formalisms.

Candidates must have a MSc or equivalent degree in Computer Science, 
Mathematics or related fields, and an excellent record of study. They 
should have solid basic knowledge in computer science, artificial 
intelligence and logic; expertise in agent systems is desired. Knowledge 
of French is not required. There are no teaching obligations, but the 
candidate can subscribe a teaching contract for 60 hours a year which are 
paid in addition.

The PhD student position will be funded by CNRS (http://www.cnrs.fr) and 
the region "Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur (PACA)" for three years (regular 
employment contract with full social benefits), 24000 Euro before taxes.

Important: The availability of the Ph.D. Fellowship will be confirmed 
within a few weeks.

The position begins in October 2011 or later, but not after January 1st 

Applications should contain a CV, a proof of study record, a motivation 
statement detailing the research interests, and some letters of 
recommendation. They should be sent electronically to Nicola OLIVETTI 
<nicola.olivetti at univ-cezanne.fr> and to Camilla Schwind 
<camilla.schwind at lif.univ-mrs.fr>.

The call for application is now open. Applications should be received no 
later than *June 10, 2011*.